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Unread postPosted: Sat, 14 July 2012, 3:35 pm
by genieswish
has anyone had any dealings/heard of social monsters that can shed a bit of light on them for me? Had an email off them this morning offering to write guest articles on my blog - had a look at the site and it says its a free service, but how/why? would they do that - there's got to be a catch somewhere??


Unread postPosted: Sat, 14 July 2012, 11:08 pm
by baddogg
I am interested in hearing what people have to say, I have never even heard of them, what are they?


Unread postPosted: Sun, 15 July 2012, 10:08 am
by genieswish
I really don't know, their site just says they have teams of writers this is part of the email I received:

I wanted to reach out your way as we would love to write a guest article
for your site. We have a fabulous team of writers who create unique and
trending articles that would be great for social sharing. Is this
something you would be interested in at all?

Their about us page is really confusing, the first paragraph says they "develop a broad base of content for our clients at their cost." Then elsewhere they state "we are able to deliver that content to web publishers free of charge. We see this as a winning strategy for both parties involved." So is it free or not?? *confused*!!


Unread postPosted: Sun, 15 July 2012, 1:15 pm
by MOC
Did you originally subscribe to this one genie? As part of their writing for you, do they want to post their ads or other referrals within or at the end of the writing they do for you?


Unread postPosted: Sun, 15 July 2012, 2:06 pm
by genieswish
no - they just emailed out of the blue, I can only assume that they put their own ads in if they are offering the service for free? I really need some product reviews for the really cool stuff, i've replied to them that i'm interested so i'll let you know what they come back with :)


Unread postPosted: Sun, 15 July 2012, 3:36 pm
by MOC
Sometimes good offers can come from spammers lol. It sounds like it's worth having a look at anyway you never know.. Just don't give them control!


Unread postPosted: Sun, 15 July 2012, 9:30 pm
by MakingCents
I wonder if it's something where they give it to you for free but if you want to keep it you pay for it later? I saw an advertisement for something like that on the television the other day..