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PPC is Embarrassing!

Unread postby » bellamamma » Sat, 7 July 2012, 2:18 am | #1 of 8 |

I would rather have no traffic at all than to pay for PPC (pay per click) advertising! I mean, come on! I started out doing the GPT sites and I actually still do some of them (only the monthly cash out ones that pay higher, like InboxPays). I noticed that there was always banners for PPC sites and I had seen some 'testimonials (bull!)' every now and then on forums. One day I decided to take a look and see what all the buzz was about. I signed up for a PPC and started clicking on ads. Ten minutes later, after clicking on 30 ads, I had made ten cents! Ten cents? Really? OMG, I can make more money pan handling at my local grocery store! And do people really think that PPC is effective advertising? I swear the owners of PPC sites are thieves and crooks. I don't know any owners personally and if you are an owner reading this, I sincerely apologize if you are a legitimate businessman. But I doubt that's the case! Like I said up top I would rather have no traffic than have PPC hits. It is actually embarrassing to know that people click on my ad ONLY to get paid .0005 cents. I wouldn't advertise on PPC if you paid me 20$. My dignity is worth more. The only people that advertise on PPC are newbies and people that are really really broke and think that this is just 'cheap advertising.' I am a firm believe in Quality, not Quantity. I would rather have 10 views of targeted, organic search than 10,000 views coming from 'paid to click and move right on to make a whopping .00005 cents per click!' traffic. Junk, pure Junk. What do you think? Do you actually use PPC advertising? And does anyone actually make any money clicking on PPC ads (NOT referral money)? PLEASE tell me!

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Re: PPC is Embarrassing!

Unread postby » MOC » Sat, 7 July 2012, 6:28 am | #2 of 8 |

I don't use PPC, but I have found some good services to use through PPC advertising.
bellamamma wrote:I am a firm believe in Quality, not Quantity. I would rather have 10 views of targeted, organic search than 10,000 views coming from 'paid to click'

I have sources of advertising that work for me rather well that don't cost the earth and produce the results I am after, so I will stick to what works for me, I dont need PPC advertising for anything at the moment.

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Re: PPC is Embarrassing!

Unread postby » Viral_Mechanical » Sat, 7 July 2012, 4:54 pm | #3 of 8 |

MOC wrote:I have sources of advertising that work for me rather well that don't cost the earth and produce the results I am after, so I will stick to what works for me, I dont need PPC advertising for anything at the moment.

What free traffic sources are better than PPC MOC, anyone?

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Re: PPC is Embarrassing!

Unread postby » gothtini » Sun, 8 July 2012, 8:37 am | #4 of 8 |

I've been tempted to use PPC advertising, but only for my blog which is about making money. Since you didn't do it long you may not have noticed, but 99.9% of the time the links are either other sites to make money on or sites about sites that you make money on. That's because its the target audience, if you have a blog about making money online and advertise it on a forum that is full of rich people who have no need to make extra money you most likely won't get any interest on your blog. However if you advertise the blog in a place where money is being made then you will get attention to it.

Its not an embarrassing advertisement service, it is a cheap one and even if your site isn't about making money it could be useful. If you pay 20 bucks to get a thousand hits, and 2 of those hits are interested people you will have those 2 people going to your site often. Those 2 people will share links with their friends, say out of that 4 people of each friend is interested in the site at all. So now you have 10 new people coming to your site, and if those 8 new ones share links with their friends..well you get the point, it grows. If you have the link being an interesting one that will catch attention, and buy the ads on a site where the people can not navigate away from the tab while the counter goes up, it can be effective. It all depends on the situation, but it is not an embarrassing way to advertise. By no means do I suggest using it as the only way to advertise, but if you have extra cash or if you do work on a PPC and have a balance it is a nice way to get some possible interested traffic.

Also far as the people who do the clicking, often times they do it along with other sites they work on. Every bit of cash helps, there are some really good programs out there far as PPC goes it just depends on what you want to join. I'm not really a fan of PPC there are a few programs I rather like but I don't really do them anymore, got paid a few bucks from both of them. On one I really liked I ended up getting free premium membership for a few months because I helped them to identify bugs in the system, the fact the owner cared that much about its workers showed quite a bit. I've been on so many sites where if you point out a bug the owner will either ignore you, or fix it and not tell you or give you any credit. Oh and to answer your second question about the making money, I didn't have referral help on those sites. Actually I take that back towards the end I did, I got maybe 10 cents all together from referrals on them the rest was me. I'm not good at getting referrals so most of my work is me usually haha.

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Re: PPC is Embarrassing!

Unread postby » MOC » Sun, 22 July 2012, 2:02 pm | #5 of 8 |

gothtini wrote:If you pay 20 bucks to get a thousand hits, and 2 of those hits are interested people you will have those 2 people going to your site often. Those 2 people will share links with their friends, say out of that 4 people of each friend is interested in the site at all. So now you have 10 new people coming to your site, and if those 8 new ones share links with their friends..well you get the point, it grows.

I just wanted to point this bit out because it was a long post and I really thought this part should be highlighted! I've heard of people throwing in their website ideas within a week because they can't look ahead and plan for this sort of growth and perform these sort of campaigns. They are reasonable and achievable targets to aim for so yea good point gothtini.

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Re: PPC is Embarrassing!

Unread postby » aphil » Sun, 29 July 2012, 3:05 pm | #6 of 8 |

I did use PPC as a newbie, when I didn't know any better. I came to the conclusion that it was a bad investment. Everyone is there to promote, not buy. Many get distracted, and some sales can occur, but it is not good business. i see that it is exposure, but it isn't targeted exposure.
Traffic is such an essential element to online success. Anyone who has found something worthwhile, can feel free to share it with me. I have found one place and I am working on the funds to use it; All Inclusive Ads.
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Re: PPC is Embarrassing!

Unread postby » sheilmolson » Thu, 1 August 2013, 9:22 am | #7 of 8 |

Thank you for giving the information. I would like to tell that PPC isn't embarrassing rather it helps to promote lot of advertisement on different kinds of sites.
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Re: PPC is Embarrassing!

Unread postby » chandlerbong » Tue, 4 July 2017, 1:07 pm | #8 of 8  Reply

Do you buy traffic for your site? Where can i buy traffic ?Thanks

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