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What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » classy_ally » Sun, 10 June 2012, 9:09 am | #1 of 30 |

I feel like I am running in circles. I work from home to supplement my income. But I want so much to earn full-time income into financial independence. I now understand you have to work it just like a job. There is no switch you flip and you have made it.

What tips do you have to help someone to stay focused? Thanks in advance! :)

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » UmmiNoor » Sun, 10 June 2012, 11:18 am | #2 of 30 |

Like you say, you must treat your work online like a real work. If a person who works at an offline job starts work from 9 to 5, you must also do the same and if he works from Mon to Fri, so must you. In fact, you'd probably have to work even harder because you're working for yourself. You have no boss to look over your shoulder to see what you're doing so you have to be very disciplined.

Having said that, I think the best tip I can give you to stay focus is to set daily goals for yourself. You should do this the day before so that when you get up in the morning, you'll straight away know what you're going to do and not waste time surfing the Internet or checking your email or Facebook page every hour. Set an earnings goal daily and make sure you're able to achieve them.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » genieswish » Sun, 10 June 2012, 12:34 pm | #3 of 30 |

if you know you are not in the zone, shut the computer down and take a break - go for a walk, shower, work out, whatever makes you feel good - don't even think about what you should be doing for at least half an hour, then go back refreshed in the proper frame of mind :) Also, don't forget to eat! it sounds simple, but when you get going it's so easy to lose track of time and miss lunch or dinner...or both


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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » aphil » Sun, 10 June 2012, 7:21 pm | #4 of 30 |

When I read the testimonies of people who are making plenty of money online, they say they either automate the process of their work or outsource jobs to other people, in order not to have to work like a dog to make a few bucks online.
I know you work harder when you have faith in yourself and in your product. When you know your audience and use effective traffic sources and really good headlines and ads to attract attention.
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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Silverstar2154 » Sun, 10 June 2012, 9:09 pm | #5 of 30 |

What helps me is trying to put myself on a schedule just so I can take it seriously and treat it like a job. I also think it's very useful not to get yourself involved in too many projects at the same time because you will find that you're not getting much of anything done and you will start kicking yourself for doing a ton of work and the results are slow to trickle in. I agree with others that if at any point in time you find that you can't focus just get up and walk away from the computer for a little. The mental break does wonders.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Mon, 11 June 2012, 4:42 am | #6 of 30 |

Try starting with one project and locking down how you can efficiently do it on a daily basis. Once you have that schedule intact, then start adding in the other sites or projects and see how they fit. Continue to fold in the sites that you need to make the desired income that you want. You can't start with all of them at one time. Something has to take priority and then you work your way down.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » suzi002 » Tue, 12 June 2012, 2:28 pm | #7 of 30 |

Try some freelance website like GAF, scriptlance, DP.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Waynefire » Tue, 12 June 2012, 5:36 pm | #8 of 30 |

You should try to find a topic you really like and focus on this. I know this sounds odd, but if you like dogs, then you need to concentrate on that topic and start to market it to death. Then you can move on to other aspects. You just have to make sure you set aside about an hour per day to do this until you can expand on it to make it your full time job.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » dziomek » Wed, 13 June 2012, 6:05 am | #9 of 30 |

Try to stay on task and close your social networking sites; it is too easy to get distracted by them. If you are marketing, then it is alright to have them open, but if you find yourself switching from Facebook or Twitter to your blog or website (or whatever you happen to be working on) then it is time to shut off the SN.

It is also a good idea to schedule your time. I have to admit I am working on improving my time management as I write this; and it isn't always easy. Having a day planner in front of you might help with budgeting your time between different aspects of your business. I know it is something I have to get back into the habit of doing. :)
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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Wed, 13 June 2012, 6:31 am | #10 of 30 |

Schedule your breaks the same way you schedule your work. I actually get up and go wash some dishes or something because I know that it will take up a certain amount of time and I'm standing, moving around and not in front of the computer.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Shell323 » Fri, 15 June 2012, 11:16 pm | #11 of 30 |

I think the best advice I have ever gotten was to set small goals and try to move towards them. I have always been in the same boat you are, getting caught up in so much, trying to figure out what is the best plan of attack, wanting so bad to make it that I end up frustrated. I have tried to implement real work schedules for myself, make daily to do lists, and make sure that all of those things point toward the small goal I have set for myself. For example a small goal could be "I want to make $10 a day for the next 5 days". It is just a way to keep you motivated, and you can start moving forward once you've mastered the first small goal, making the next a little bigger. The other big way I've found to keep from feeling like I have wasted an insane amount of time for nothing is working (at least part of the time) for sites that you see results from daily or every other day. When you can cash out, even a few dollars, it feels like at least some portion of your work was worth it, and makes you work harder the next day.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » MakingCents » Sat, 16 June 2012, 1:42 am | #12 of 30 |

You need to set aside time each day in which to work. And set a dollar goal for each day. I currently am just working on supplemental income and have a goal of $3 a day. I know which sites earn me more, and they often aren't my favorites to do so if I am running low on time I start with those so that I can earn y goal income.
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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Sat, 16 June 2012, 4:22 am | #13 of 30 |

As of late, I've been rather consistent in making a minimum of about $5-6.50 a day on one site. The overall goal is $10 a day and I've hit it a few times and come close quite a few times. So, that site is coming along and now it's time to add in others on a consistent basis.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » classy_ally » Sat, 16 June 2012, 6:42 am | #14 of 30 |

Thanks to everyone for the great tips! The internet can be overwhelming to budget your time. I have so much I want to promote. I think you are right that I need to set daily goals. I also need to use referrals when I can.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » MakingCents » Sat, 16 June 2012, 11:43 am | #15 of 30 |

Sugarhill wrote:As of late, I've been rather consistent in making a minimum of about $5-6.50 a day on one site. The overall goal is $10 a day and I've hit it a few times and come close quite a few times. So, that site is coming along and now it's time to add in others on a consistent basis.

Are you talking about cloud crowd? I signed up a long time ago and was enver active as tehre were never tasks available for me. I logged on the other day and saw plenty of tasks but can't figure out how to get credentials? I'm out of town with crap internet right now so maybe it's a problem on my end..
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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Sun, 17 June 2012, 4:41 am | #16 of 30 |

No, the work that I'd do on CloudCrowd would generate more than $10 a day, as I'd lean more towards the writing tasks or the editing if I get that credential. I haven't been able to work on CloudCrowd as much as I would like at the moment because I was trying to get a system down for another site.

There is another site that I work on that I make $6.50-10.00 a day. I think you may already be familiar with it.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » MercyL » Tue, 19 June 2012, 7:02 pm | #17 of 30 |

The biggest focus drain is email, followed by instant messaging/chatting, so check your email at the end your workday! Also, get up at the same time everyday. If you are female, follow your work week beauty regimen.

Make sure to take a lunch break, instead of sitting at your computer all day. Your productivity wanes without little breaks.

Do you exercise? Do you feel isolated? Then go for a morning walk before sitting at your computer. This controls your waistline, and the change of scenery fuels your creativity.

I hope these suggestions help!

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » hunysukle » Tue, 19 June 2012, 9:25 pm | #18 of 30 |

I have found that setting a schedule is the best way to go. I make a list of all the traffic exchanges, safelists, list builders, etc. that I will use for the day, and I stick with a time schedule for each of them. For example, I only surf 100 pages on four different TEs, then I move on to the next task on my list. For safelists & listbuilders, I will only click on 50 emails before I do a mailing. I mark down which days I can mail with each safelist/listbuilder. Another thing is that I only stick with certain income opportunities - the ones that I have thoroughly researched. I try not to get sidetracked with new income opportunities, which is difficult for me.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » MakingCents » Wed, 20 June 2012, 3:05 pm | #19 of 30 |

So a question for whoever works cloud crowd. How exactly do you find the credential tests?
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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Thu, 21 June 2012, 4:19 pm | #20 of 30 |

You go into the "available work" tab and then it's right there in between the "projects" and "practice" tabs.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » MakingCents » Thu, 21 June 2012, 4:29 pm | #21 of 30 |

Ok, that's what I thought but I can't get it to open. What browser are you using? Does it only work wiht some browsers?
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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Thu, 21 June 2012, 4:48 pm | #22 of 30 |

I'm on FireFox. I'm sorry that you can't get in. Is it a situation where they don't have work in the category, so therefore they don't have the credentials? I just went in there and it didn't seem to be a problem. When you go in the tab, do you then click on a category? There are credentials tests for both writing and editing. I have three already, so I think they are blocked off my list, so I can't tell you how many there should be for you.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » MakingCents » Fri, 22 June 2012, 1:46 am | #23 of 30 |

yes, I'm clicking on the category and then there are the set of links. When I click on them it says that to click on that link it requires a credential. I don't understand. I've used cloud crowd in the past, just not for a year or so and I can't get it to work at all :(

**update** going through firefox it's working fine...
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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Fri, 22 June 2012, 4:20 am | #24 of 30 |

Okay, I'm glad that you got it to work for you.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Dugsmom » Thu, 5 July 2012, 2:22 pm | #25 of 30 |

Set up your office away from distractions! That is my number one rule. If you don't, you'll never be able to focus and you'll never get anything done. I recommend setting up in a spare room. If that is not possible, maybe set up in an area that is far from the T.V. Once the T.V goes on, you'll never get to work.
I never set a schedule because I never follow it. I just write down a list of things that need to be done before a certain time. Whenever I need to take a break, I clean up or exercise.
Never answer the phone while you are working unless it is a business call. Friends and Family can wait.
Network everyday. Meet people (online or in person) and let them know about your business. The more you get the word out, the more chance you have at making money!

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » bellamamma » Thu, 5 July 2012, 8:58 pm | #26 of 30 |

I work part time form home for a supplemental income. I, personally, am too scared to try and make a full time living off of my online adventures. I am quite happy making my 300$ monthly; however, making more never hurts! The only tip that I can provide is to make sure you give yourself a break. When I go online everyday I make sure that I space my work out. I NEVER continuously work for more than an hour straight. I always give myself some time in between to do other things like cook, clean, read a magazine, watch my favorite show on the DVR, etc. If I did not do this I would go out of my mind, and totally lose focus. I would also rush and do things half fast because of frustration.
Back to the subject of being afraid to make my online work full time, I am a big baby! I am not prepared to put out money only to lose it because I did not do something right, or I chose the wrong product, etc. How does anyone get the b**** to do merge into full time online work?? Let me know! It looks like I need some 'work from home' tips, too...

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » genieswish » Thu, 5 July 2012, 9:42 pm | #27 of 30 |

there's nothing to be afraid of as long as you have some support - this place is great for that :) Try and get some *bonus* money to start, like selling something on Ebay - set yourself a budget and time limit, work out what you want to do and go for it!

I read something earlier that really stuck - you don't have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great!


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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Andrea4 » Sun, 8 July 2012, 4:40 pm | #28 of 30 |

I can't seem to get motivated to do sites like cloudcrowd, etc. I know there is money there, so I should try to motivate myself to get on those. I have such a limited amount of time to try to make extra cash online and if it's too involved, I can't use time trying to qualify to use a site.

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » streakanime » Sun, 8 July 2012, 10:14 pm | #29 of 30 |

I think it helps to have a lot of different "eggs" in your basket. That way you can job from income source to income source. If you only have a couple of websites you use to make any kind of income online, you will get bored and sick of doing it after a while. I tend to be able to do things for longer because I branch out and try to have a handful of them to jump between.

I do agree with the time dedication. If you are really serious about making a stable income online. You have to be able to dedicate 8-12 hour days to the job just like a person working a real life job. An online job is not meant to be an easier or faster source of income. It is just more comfortable for people who do not like working in the real world.
Please read my article/guide on how to make 50-70 bucks a week easy!

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Re: What are your work from home tips?

Unread postby » Youlovejordan » Mon, 9 July 2012, 7:05 pm | #30 of 30  Reply

Treat it like a business and actually try to stay focused because it's very easy to get distracted when you're in the comfort of your own home.

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