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Survey sites that pay via gift cards (global acceptance)

Unread postPosted: Sun, 17 June 2012, 9:53 am
by boyuancy
I have been earning online for quite sometime now, but I have never spent a penny for myself. I have been saving it all the while, and it has made me go extremely thrifty! :D
Now, I have been looking to join survey sites/search sites that pay via amazon cards - just for fun, and to spend my summer vacations to get something for myself.
Do you know any ones that pay through Amazon gift cards? The only requirement is that it should accept members from all over the world.

EDIT: I recently opened an email account that's just lying there. I think I can use it to sign up at various sites. :lol:

Re: Survey sites that pay via gift cards (global acceptance)

Unread postPosted: Sat, 14 July 2012, 1:44 pm
by baddogg
I don't know about survey sites that pay out in Amazon gift cards but there is an app for iPhone, iPad (iAnything with a speaker LOL) and Android that pays out in Amazon (among other) and it is as easy as watching TV. I believe it is global but I am not 100% positive. It is called Viggle, and yes I use it and yes it has paid out for me; quite a few times actually.

Re: Survey sites that pay via gift cards (global acceptance)

Unread postPosted: Sun, 15 July 2012, 3:36 am
by streakanime
I just started using I am not sure if they have Amazon Gift Cards or not.... But, they have a lot of other Gift Cards and some really great prizes. They are definitely worth looking into. Very easy point earning system. I am really happy with their services so far.

Re: Survey sites that pay via gift cards (global acceptance)

Unread postPosted: Sun, 15 July 2012, 6:07 am
by hunysukle
I think Gift Hulk ( offers Amazon gift cards as a payment option. I've been paid by Gift Hulk via Paypal. They are also very easy to earn money with, everything credits very quickly.

Re: Survey sites that pay via gift cards (global acceptance)

Unread postPosted: Sun, 29 July 2012, 9:28 pm
by Lena51
I hadn't heard of these before and I have to go there to check them out. I do love to use gift cards and this will be ideal for me. Do you get disqualified a lot with there surveys? I can see if you get disqualified sometimes but most is not good because you don't want to waste time. So I will go take a look around and see what happens on both of these. Would you let me know what's happening on those?