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Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Fri, 27 July 2012, 4:51 pm | #1 of 24 |

Do you keep your blogs completely separate or do you have references or links to the other one(s)? Do you think it makes sense to do that even if the themes are completely different from each other? How many other blogs written by others do you have listed on yours? How many other people's blogs are you on? Are those blogs related to yours in content? Or, is it simply a favor for more exposure in both directions?

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » gothtini » Fri, 27 July 2012, 5:54 pm | #2 of 24 |

I actually never write on other peoples blogs, nor do I have them write on mine. I don't really link to other blogs either, I have some random game forums in the side bar linked though. I have a habit of referencing other posts of mine now since I've been reviewing sites similar to other sites I've already reviewed.

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Fri, 27 July 2012, 6:05 pm | #3 of 24 |

Do you read the game forums that you have linked? Do they have you linked on theirs? What was it about those blogs that made you willing to list them? Are they not competition for eyes or do you see it as building more of a gaming presence overall and it can only help you in the long run?

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Silverstar2154 » Fri, 27 July 2012, 9:22 pm | #4 of 24 |

I link my blog to only 4 other sites. 2 are sites I just like to visit but the other 2 are blogs that I either write for or I have done some kind of other work for the blog owner. My blog is still pretty small so I haven't branched out with it more and it's still something of an experiment with me in digging into SEO and trying to monetize it so I'm not sure if or when I'll start linking other sites. I suppose I'll do it if something really catches my interest.

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » difrancprod » Fri, 27 July 2012, 10:11 pm | #5 of 24 |

When I blog, I make sure that they are linked to stuff that are related to my blog. I think Google is taking down some of those blogs with unrelated links as well so it's best to be careful. I make sure that they are of original content. I do have a lot of blogs for different topics!

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » gothtini » Sat, 28 July 2012, 4:15 am | #6 of 24 |

I'm a major part of the forums I have linked on my blog, and they had me linked as well. I don't think they still do but I don't mind having them linked on mine, I love the forums. I don't understand your last two questions though.

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Sat, 28 July 2012, 4:30 am | #7 of 24 |

Well, some people won't do anything for you, if you aren't doing anything for them. So, the question was about what made the random blogs that you have on your site, keep them on even if they don't have you. Wouldn't you see them as a blog that you are competing for readers?

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » gothtini » Sat, 28 July 2012, 8:30 am | #8 of 24 |

Oh, I said earlier I don't link to other blogs. Not that I see them as competition, I'm just not involved with them so I don't see the point. The links with blog posts I was talking about was previous reviews I have done. I link within myself basically, like my gifthulk review has a link to my swagbucks review.

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » genieswish » Sat, 28 July 2012, 8:51 am | #9 of 24 |

I link to anything i think is relevant to my post, or just to any really interesting content, also like gothtini i try to link to at least one other post on my own blog. I recently earned a link on a huge blog for taking part in an experiment which I'm delighted about, so hopefully I will get more of those in the future!I've done a couple of reciprical links through people i've met on Linked In too. And as you can see I have a banner on the top of this page :)
Are you thinking of starting your own blog sugarhill?


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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Sat, 28 July 2012, 4:12 pm | #10 of 24 |

Yeah, I have had the thought for years, but I never had the time to learn how to set it up or to keep it current. At least, I never felt that I had the time.

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » genieswish » Sat, 28 July 2012, 4:38 pm | #11 of 24 |

great news:) keep us updated on your progress!


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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Sat, 28 July 2012, 4:49 pm | #12 of 24 |

I wouldn't promote my blog on here. :mrgreen: Don't get me wrong, this is a great launching pad and I should throw up a link, but I believe in keeping certain things separate and I don't know if I would be ready for it to be read by people here and connected to me. At least, not in the beginning. I'd rather present a polished and finished product, if I were to present one at all.

But, I'd share the behind the scenes mishaps to help someone avoid that pitfall.

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » MOC » Sat, 28 July 2012, 5:05 pm | #13 of 24 |

I have just had a rave about this in another topic, and I have had that outlook too; I'll show people when I'm ready and try to keep things seperate from each other. Well from experience with blogging and running other off topic websites this approach will not typically work well for maximum growth, and when word of mouth and friendship is so powerful why wouldn't you utilise that? Especially from the start. So I have had a different approach, and it works for me. Share it as much as you can, and spam your friends, they are more tolerant! Others have done that here, I saw a lady's blog with 1 single post, and it is really good! Now the day you see MOC forums fully developed and with thousands of visitors a day, you will revise that thinking I'm sure Sugarhill! :) Because you will want the free networking and traffic we generate. No?

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Sat, 28 July 2012, 5:24 pm | #14 of 24 |

Actually, I read that thread earlier and I agreed with you then and now. But, my blogs wouldn't be about anything dealing with making money on the computer and I don't know, it will probably take some time for me to break out of this streak of independence that I am declining to call stubbornness. :mrgreen:

I don't know. When it is up and running, I may feel completely different and start a thread demanding reviews. :mrgreen:

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » MOC » Sat, 28 July 2012, 5:46 pm | #15 of 24 |

A member named Rackermann asked for a place to request a review on his website, called trash a sports team from memory, so I added that as a dedicated forum just for that purpose; any general rated website review. The feedback can really help you with website development too.

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » genieswish » Sat, 28 July 2012, 6:01 pm | #16 of 24 |

Sugarhill - trying to do it all on your own is so overwhelming! I got reviews on my pregnancy blog and gadget review sites, don't worry about the content, it's the support and an unbiased prospective that you need - friends will tell you it's great no matter how crap it is LOL.
If you don't want to put yourself out there then I'm sure there's loads of members and *cough* admins that will help you via pm, but don't isolate yourself, you won't get anywhere in IM without contacts, networking and the support of like minded people.
MOC is quickly becoming my "run to" spot when I'm stuck, and you've all been great without any unconstructive critisism.
Your "independant streak" will stand you in good stead when the going gets a bit tough tho LOL

Whatever you decide to do, I wish you all the best for your success :)


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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Sat, 28 July 2012, 6:17 pm | #17 of 24 |

Thanks! Like I said, when it's all said and done and I still have doubts, I'll probably be in the review section. I've given a couple of reviews, so I know that it can be important. I've been on the helping end and the people were very grateful, I just try to stay off the getting help side.

I've started the preliminary research and I think I'm coming closer to what I want to do on the computer side of things and I've been kicking around the content side for years. It's just getting close to time to pull it all together.

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » genieswish » Sat, 28 July 2012, 9:32 pm | #18 of 24 |

It's porn isn't it :lol:

Just kidding, I'm sure you'll do just great, with or without any help - you seem the type that sets goals and goes for it!


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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Sun, 29 July 2012, 4:31 am | #19 of 24 |

Well, I guess that was kind of obvious, huh? :mrgreen: Thanks for the compliment. I hope I am the type that will go for this. Everything is upside down right now.

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » MOC » Sun, 29 July 2012, 6:44 am | #20 of 24 |

genieswish wrote:It's porn isn't it :lol:

Lol didn't you look at the avatar! Haha just kidding :lol: but maybe best to keep projects seperate then, I only accept G rated websites for review :?

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Mon, 30 July 2012, 5:54 am | #21 of 24 |

:mrgreen: My avatar is an album cover for The Sugarhill Gang! They are an old school rap group.

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » MOC » Mon, 30 July 2012, 7:17 am | #22 of 24 |

Yea I know, now that I increased the avatar size limit I can read it lol

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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » boyuancy » Mon, 30 July 2012, 3:18 pm | #23 of 24 |

To start off with, I think you can list your other blogs in the "About" page of your blog, just by putting it under a "Blogs by the same author" title. And the templates can be totally different from each other - a template usually depends on what a blog is about.
I just started writing a blog yesterday, and after I have substantial content on it, I plan to exchange links with around 10 blogs. Blogger and Wordpress allow it - you can list the blogs using the 'Blogroll' widget.
I have heard that you can get slapped by Google if you list a whole bunch of unrelated blogs on yours. It means that you can end up losing your AdSense approval, and also, your listings can drop.
I think it is a good idea to exchange links with other bloggers of the same niche. I have been visiting a few money-making blogs recently, and I find myself navigating to other blogs from the blog that I visited. So I guess it works very well to provide your blog some good exposure.
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Re: Questions for the bloggers.

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Mon, 30 July 2012, 3:35 pm | #24 of 24  Reply

Thank you, Anton for increasing the size. I was using the tiny one on other sites and didn't even realize how horrible it looked until someone pointed it out. I was so embarrassed. I felt like I let The Sugarhill Gang down. :mrgreen:

Boyuancy, I wish you well on your new blog. Thanks for the tips. I'll be honest, I still have yet to wrap my mind around all of the ways to monetize. I probably should speed some of these things up and set a firm start date.

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