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Upgraded forum search features and more!

Unread postby » MOC » Sat, 9 May 2020, 2:53 pm | #1 of 1  Reply

Well it's been a while since we've supercharged any MOD's on these boards. That's because these forums are pretty well feature packed and everything is running to good order. HTTPS is here to stay, and there have been no issues with the HTTP to HTTPS transition. Yes you can finally feel secure knowing your connection to is fully encrypted, so your messages stay private and your passwords stay safe. :D

Out of interest, here are some of the main MOD's running on MOC Forums.
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Plus many other upgrades, updates, and feature enhancements.

Today, the search features at were upgraded; searching out keywords is a much improved situation as you can now change search terms while in the results list! This is something that was not possible here before, nor is it an easy option on most boards I am familiar with.

Searching within forums can be a right pain sometimes to be honest. Well that has all changed, searching money topics here is now easy and entertaining, and even somewhat educational! :geek:

Viewing search results in POSTS VIEW
2020-05-10_002716.png - Viewed 1504 times - (74.79 KiB) - 812 x 552 pixels

You can now easily click to change the search results list from a POSTS VIEW list, to a TOPICS VIEW list, and back and forth as you need.

Viewing the same search results as above in TOPICS VIEW
2020-05-10_002854.png - Viewed 1504 times - (100.82 KiB) - 813 x 617 pixels

The order to display these search results can also be clicked to change from DESCENDING to ASCENDING and back and forth. Again, something that is not typically available in forums is now available here at MOC Forums!

You can start the exact search pictured above with a click here.

Have a great day and enjoy your searches!

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