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Need a bit of a look please

Unread postby » gothtini » Sat, 30 March 2013, 9:18 am | #1 of 8 |

I'm an admin on a gaming forum and I'm trying to make things prettier since its kinda been shoved at me far as making it look busy etc. Any tips you guys got would be wonderful ^^

Current things being worked on:
Graphics such as the ones for the tab, that recently disappeared and is going to be replaced with a new one
Going to put up an advertising spot for site, forums etc to advertise on instead of the VIP club image
Independent consoles is a very recent section and is getting more threads so that one does look a bit bare right now but they'll be more

I think that's all that is being worked on now, the forums are getting more and more threads of course but those are things I can see being mentioned that are already known.

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Re: Need a bit of a look please

Unread postby » MOC » Thu, 4 April 2013, 1:54 pm | #2 of 8 |

I think the site is looking good gothtini. But I was delivered a Google Ad related to SEO, which is not something I would be following when visiting a game discussion forum. I may be likely to click the prominant Ad if it related to a game or some other related technology that was interesting me at the time. There are more targeted Ads available which may generate more impressions on that site.

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Re: Need a bit of a look please

Unread postby » gothtini » Fri, 5 April 2013, 3:09 am | #3 of 8 |

Ah the ads I have no control over that I'll have to talk to the owner about it lol. But thank you for taking a look! I'll speak to him about it ^_^

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Re: Need a bit of a look please

Unread postby » genieswish » Fri, 5 April 2013, 5:52 pm | #4 of 8 |

My opinion on design doesn't count for much, I'm rubbish at it - but for what it's worth I like the colours, easy on my poor old eyes lol. The navigation is really simple, but I agree with MOC - i got an ad for heinz baked beans...

I guess it could be relevant if I'd been playing for 6 hours straight and needed a snack?

How is the contest going?


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Re: Need a bit of a look please

Unread postby » gothtini » Fri, 5 April 2013, 5:59 pm | #5 of 8 |

Oooh thank you for saying navigation is simple! I have been working on the forums for the last two was so long and complicated before because he had dreams of it being what it was before a data loss lol. I actually get ads for geeky stuff when I go to the forum..I'm thinking that he just has ads set up for whatever google thing is relevant for you maybe?

The contest is going alright I only have 2 people signed up and neither of them have any referrals so the contest will be extended a month if none come up in 2 weeks lol.

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Re: Need a bit of a look please

Unread postby » MOC » Sat, 6 April 2013, 12:45 am | #6 of 8 |

Yes he may have it set up that way, and now we know genieswish likes baked beans or other closely related food products, not only when she's out shopping but while she's browsing gaming forums lol, but i don't think it's helping click through rates if it's not delivering high quality adds related to the niche.

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Re: Need a bit of a look please

Unread postby » gothtini » Sat, 6 April 2013, 1:01 am | #7 of 8 |

Yeah its probably not lol my main focus right now isn't ad revenue but I put it on the list of things the owner needs to look into/give me information on lol. My main goal is to get people there and chatting, but all this is definitely helping to make the forum better which hopefully will keep people coming ^^

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Re: Need a bit of a look please

Unread postby » MOC » Sat, 6 April 2013, 1:12 am | #8 of 8  Reply

You also won't have the right look of forum design if those images are incorrect, but yes i am focusing on poor ctr as another major ill effect.

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