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Nvidia 2G GT640 vs ATI 1G 7770

Unread postby » Fishermanz » Fri, 22 June 2012, 4:06 pm | #1 of 9 |

Simply looking to buy a new graphics card, anyone got any idea as to which is better? And also, does the difference in memory from 1G to 2G really make much of a difference?

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Re: Nvidia 2G GT640 vs ATI 1G 7770

Unread postby » Beerforkids » Wed, 27 June 2012, 3:08 am | #2 of 9 |

ATI 7770 is much better in everyway but uses 80 total tdp instead of the GT 640 60.Aslong as u have a psu that can support either 1 6 pin connector get either or u could go for a cheaper and better 550 ti.
I dunno what i am supposed to put here oh well.


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Re: Nvidia 2G GT640 vs ATI 1G 7770

Unread postby » Viral_Mechanical » Wed, 27 June 2012, 11:50 am | #3 of 9 |

Avatar100400 wrote:ATI 7770 is much better in everyway but uses 80 total tdp instead of the GT 640 60.Aslong as u have a psu that can support either 1 6 pin connector get either or u could go for a cheaper and better 550 ti.

Yea I agree with that but I would stay with a better and cheaper ati. For the same price ati is way better than nvidia.

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Re: Nvidia 2G GT640 vs ATI 1G 7770

Unread postby » Beerforkids » Wed, 27 June 2012, 2:47 pm | #4 of 9 |

And did i mention u can overclock that baby real easily and boost its performance more?.
So yeah 7770 will beat most things within price and it can play the latest most demanding game say Battlefield 3
at medium @ 1600x900 or low @ 1920x1080 its a good card if u can understand my gpu whore talk.
If u would be so kind to post your pc specs and psu specs and what u use it for.U never know i mite know
a better gpu for your price.And also let us know the price range.Sorry to ramble but its info u should post in a pc thread
when asking this sorta stuff.
I dunno what i am supposed to put here oh well.


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Re: Nvidia 2G GT640 vs ATI 1G 7770

Unread postby » Fishermanz » Sun, 1 July 2012, 4:21 pm | #5 of 9 |

Thanks alot mate, here are my pc specs:

OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name JACOB-HP
System Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
System Model p6-2055a
System Type x64-based PC
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3401 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date AMI 7.16, 5/10/2011
SMBIOS Version 2.6
Windows Directory C:\Windows
System Directory C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale Australia
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514"
User Name Jacob-HP\Jacob
Time Zone Cen. Australia Standard Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 7.98 GB
Available Physical Memory 4.19 GB
Total Virtual Memory 16.0 GB
Available Virtual Memory 11.3 GB
Page File Space 7.98 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys

Another question, what temperature range should a graphics card be operating in?

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Re: Nvidia 2G GT640 vs ATI 1G 7770

Unread postby » Fishermanz » Sun, 1 July 2012, 4:24 pm | #6 of 9 |

Also, I just use it for homework and general use (nothing in particular) however I do enjoy playing battlefield and various other games :)

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Re: Nvidia 2G GT640 vs ATI 1G 7770

Unread postby » Beerforkids » Sun, 1 July 2012, 7:49 pm | #7 of 9 |

It depends on the card but 60 on a low end card max and for high end card when at max temps 70.The system is not to bad a I7 2600 is a high end cpu and 8 gigs of ram is very nice.Well u dont need to high a end for all of that but u said playing Battlefield 3 that requires alot from a gpu more than cpu.the cpu and ram can run that game maxed easy but u need the gpu.So my question what kind of psu do u have wattage? 500w 600w what is your current card does the psu u give u a 6 pin or 8 pin power connector.I hope what i asked isnt to confusing mate but its to help u.Next thing i would say is at a res of 1920x1080 with a 7770 u can run battlefield 3 on low.But with a smaller say 1600x900 20 inch monitor medium full res.So its not the best card for price and my current 6850 is same price and can beat it by 50%.So if u could supply the info i would be glad to help u.Any problems let me know :).And i play battlefield 3 to haha maybe sometime i could shoot u :D
I dunno what i am supposed to put here oh well.


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Re: Nvidia 2G GT640 vs ATI 1G 7770

Unread postby » Sobhana123 » Tue, 6 March 2018, 10:01 am | #8 of 9 |

hi there.. really nice information.. i was looking for this since a long time…really appreciate the amount of work which you have put into to it.. thanks for sharing.

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Re: Nvidia 2G GT640 vs ATI 1G 7770

Unread postby » Muneera123 » Wed, 16 May 2018, 11:52 am | #9 of 9  Reply

Nvidia 2G GT640 higher core clack speed than ATi 1g 7770...GT640 is bettrer signafically...than ATI 1G 7770.............

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