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One thread, my best GPT, PTC and other online earners

Unread postby » AvalonX » Tue, 7 August 2012, 5:25 pm | #1 of 7 |

Hey everyone,

I said I would be back after testing the waters with some sites out there. Rather than junk up the board with 10 threads I am taking the content from my Blog and posting here. Happy Earning!

Just Been Paid is not the only thing I do. As a matter of fact I use funds from other online opportunities to fund my Just Been Paid account. It makes it less risky and a lot of sense when you think about it. I still like my toys so this also let's me have my fun without withdrawing to much from my Just been Paid account. Take you pick, at least you know none of these are scams because I use them. I tried to have a nice variety of Get paid t0 (GPT) Pay to Click (PTC) and my favorite, Posting on forums. Take a look!

Here are some of my better earners:
Join Postloop Here!

An awesome earning site for those who like to post on forums. Here is how it works.

You join whatever forums you like to post on, games, sales, sports, money. They have a number of different options. Forum owners try to generate traffic. Postloop pays you per post. You can earn bonuses for good posting.

Please sign up using the link above. Once you register to the main site you will need to register on the postloop forum which is actually separate. They use this to give you sort of an audition. You must submit 10 posts but they need to be related to the topic. Spelling and grammar need to be accurate so don’t go posting one word responses.

The postloop forum is located here:, One you are confirmed you can post on this forum.

You can view my profile for sample posts.

Now, once your 10th post is complete you will receive approval. Go back to the main Postloop site. The forum tab at the top are all the forums you can join. They list their post limits so you want to join as many as you can. You do not have to reach any post limits. You receive points literally for each post. I have made up to $10 a day on this site but my average is $5. It’s a lot of posting but I have gotten to like some of the sites. Plus it’s a lot better than doing surveys all day. What is really great is they have instant payment to paypal. I use this to fund JBP.

Note: The Forum owners have the right to rate you after 5 posts. You need to have a rating of 4.05 to cash out. Most forum owners give good ratings, they want you to post. Just read the agreements when you sign up for a forum. Some want you to make a welcome post, avatar etc. They will give you an idea sometimes of what they need and rate you accordingly.


Forum owners have the right to rate you after 5 posts. Some will tell you when you join what they rate on. Here are some basics:
1) Spamming the intro section will decrease your rating
2) Try to have each post have over 15 words
3) Stay on topic
4) Don't get into insulting conversation
5) Follow forum rules (especially about spamming and signatures)
6) Don't mention in the forums you are from Postloop
7) If you rating goes over 4.50 join all the locked down forums that require that rating ( I wish someone would have told me to do that)
8) Don't copy and paste from other sources. They don't like that. Even if it is you post from another forum.

This last part might seems like common sense. When you click on the forum tabs you see all the nice forums you can join. When you click on say a video game forum it opens a link to that forum where you register. You register just like any other forum, confirm and email and post right?


Before you post make sure to go back and subscribe to that forum or you will not get credit. To make it easier I suggest using the same name and email address on each forums.

Sign Up Here!
One of the best thing about it is there are plenty of offers and also videos. You can make some Paypal fairly easy. You have access to the Super Lucky button which you just click and earn points.

The lucky button can really help you earn. In addition they send you emails with free points which can vary. There are plenty of offerwalls and most important they pay to Paypal.

SuperPoints Tips and Tricks of the Pros

I've been using SuperPoints for several years and I've made nearly $1000 from the site in that time, but nearly half of that has come in the past year or so. Now, I'm going to pass along a few tips and tricks to make you more successful, so that you too, can make $20+ per month in no time (I'm currently averaging about $50/month), but know that the first few months may be lean. You're building towards a bigger thing, Rome wasn't built in a day, cliche, cliche, etc. I'm currently the 21st highest earning member, in case you were wondering what makes me qualified to write this, I was as high as number four at one point. So, here are the beginner's basics, everything you need to know about getting points absolutely 100% free with little to no effort.:

2. Validate your email address and be sure to opt-in for SuperPoints emails. The reason for this is in order to increase your membership level you first need to validate your email and the reason you opt-in for email is because they send emails everyday with points in them ranging anywhere from 1-400 (100=$1 USD) it also serves as a reminder to click the SuperLucky Button the easiest way to earn points, more below. Don't worry about spam because they send one email a day and the very occasional email offering up major points for doing something like buying a bouquet of flowers. I mean maybe once a month you get an additional email from them, it's very rare.

3. Once you're in, make sure that you hit the SuperLucky Button. Your membership level determines the amount of times you're able to click the Button per day. In order to increase your level you need to invite new users, fill out your entire profile, etc. Really basic things. Now, you won't win every single time you click the Button, but there are winners every few seconds and the laws of probability are in your favor with the more clicks you have, so do your best to increase your levels. The image below is the Button:

4. Watch videos. At the top of the page you will see the words 'Get Points' hover over that and you will see 'Watch Videos' appear in a little drop down menu. Thus:

Click there and watch some videos, pretty self-explanatory. You'll also find more videos under offers, seek those out if you like, you may want to stay away from the non-video stuff. That's the more advanced lesson.

5. Maybe more important than anything else, tell a friend. Tell them all, sing it from the rooftops, the mountain tops, maybe even the muffin tops. Tell anyone who will listen, but don't spam because that'll get you banned. Explain the basics to them, you could even send them back here to read this. This will bring good fortune upon thee. All you need is a few friends to play daily or at least regularly and you will begin to see the points adding up. It's nickel and diming your way to gift cards, Paypal, or gifts, whatever you choose as your prize, but with a little stick-to-it-iveness you'll start to see magic. Here's where and how it happens, it's math everybody!:

You tell 5 friends about SuperPoints, they win 10 points per day for a total of 50 points daily and you can earn a $5.00 Amazon gift card (or other gift card of your choosing) in under 10 days (doesn't seem like much, but it's a couple minutes out of your day to hit that button and it's $5 more than you started off with), this doesn't even include what you would be winning. Increase that friend total to 10 and decrease your time to gift card by half. 10 friends x 10 points per day= 100 points per day, 500 is required for a gift card, so five days until you hit the number. The numbers get crazier the more friends you have and the more points they win. Let's look at this scenario: 25 friends x 20 points per day = 500 points per day, or 1 $5 gift card a day a $25 gift card once a week or about $100 per month. Is that reasonable, maybe depends on your ability to influence people and attract friends, but I can tell you this. The top 5 people right now have anywhere from 500 to 3600 friends. I don't know how they do it, but I know if they can, I can, anyone can, we can. Yes, we can. (Sorry, I had to throw that in there)

In any case, that's the biggest factor on your ability to make yourself a little extra spending money or just getting things for free. Put it in your email signature, tell people how you're making x amount of money just for clicking a button a few times a day. When you send an email they may be curious and ask you about it, sign up and help you on your way.

6. Tasks and Surveys - Tasks are one of the newer things SuperPoints offers, they usually involve stuff like searching via a search engine and putting up links to whatever comes up, it could be answering questions regarding search results, or any of a number of things, this is free to try and they can be fairly time consuming, so be aware of this. There are a variety of different tasks to choose from, so if you decide to do them pick one you're willing to spend said time on. Tasks are found on the 'Matomy' offer wall and are clearly labeled.

Surveys are exactly what they sound like, surveys from various companies, they come via email, so you have to sign up for these and they're based on your profile. I've tried offers and I've completed surveys, if you want to increase your points, these are good options, but they are, um, optional and not necessary. I haven't done either one in probably a year. Could I increase the amount I make if I did, of course, but I don't always have the time to do them as they are time consuming. Therefore, check them out and if you like having the option, do them, if not it's not at all necessary, you can still make a bunch without them.

Advance LessonsOffers - (Refer to the picture to find them, they're under the watch videos option) If you know what you're doing relating to offers go ahead and try them out. For example if you're going to sign up for Netflix anyway, you may as well get a little bit back for doing it, SuperPoints offers you a few hundred points to sign up. There are plenty more offers for nearly everything under the sun. Choose wisely, be aware that these require a credit card and realize once you've got a card involved you could be inviting trouble. Be judicious I don't recommend this step for everyone.

Some offers may be as simple as entering your email address for the 'whatever of the day' be it joke, coupons, etc. those are ok, but you will find yourself with a lot of extra email. You can sign up and check them out and if you choose not to stick with it eventually unsubscribe, that's your decision to make. There are tons of offers, different options , every size, color, and shape. If you have any interest be sure to check out your options, weigh them carefully, and decide whether it's of value to you. If you choose to do the offers know this:

*You must be legitimately interested in the service, you cannot sign up and cancel right away, that's considered fraud and they will potentially ban you for this.

*You must sign up using your legitimate information, emails and all that good stuff must match up, otherwise you may not be credited your points.

*Keep track of confirmation emails, if you run into problems you will have to show these to support to get your points. If you like this please share it with your friends.

Sign Up Here!

Tons of GPT on the internet , but none are perfect.. GiftHulk tries to be the one!
GiftHulk Features :
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Everyone can find prize that will suit him in any age , from gaming cards to gas cards and even diapers cards ( this fact is making referral job very easy
Open Worldwide!
GIFTHULK TV. Similar to swagbucks, you can earn just by watching videos.

Sign Up Here!

Topline is interesting. Its basically a browser extension that replaces ads on the website yous visit with their own and pay you. It's a nice little addition to the arsenal.

Get paid for the time you spend online!
TopLine is a simple browser add-on.
TopLine replaces ads on the websites you visit with ads from the TopLine network.
Advertisers pay us, and we share that revenue with you.
Refer friends and be rewarded for the time they spend online too!
TopLine doesn't sell your personal information to spammers.

Sign Up Here!

The best PTC site on the net. Do tasks to really earn.
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Sort of a new comer on the block of GPT sites. Why do I like them? You can cash out anytime, they have great offers and contests. Give it a try!
Sign Up Here!


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• Daily New Offers and Surveys
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On GPTBee everything is for our members and advertisers as we are aware that you make us and that without you would be just another GPT. Therefore we look forward to hear your opinion and suggestions which would give us a clue about you so we can make you come and stay with us.
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Make Money by posting on forums:
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Re: One thread, my best GPT, PTC and other online earners

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Tue, 7 August 2012, 6:18 pm | #2 of 7 |

This is a good post Avalon, especially since you are killing two birds with one stone. I've been reading about that TopLine program quite a bit as of late. I may have to look into that one a little deeper. What do you say that you make on a daily basis with all of these combined? Or, do you do them all in the same day?

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Re: One thread, my best GPT, PTC and other online earners

Unread postby » AvalonX » Tue, 7 August 2012, 6:42 pm | #3 of 7 |

Well in the beginning I was doing these one at a time for cash and giftcards. Originally I was a lot more all over the place so I was never making much. The trick is to pick just a couple that you really like and pound away before going to the next one. I want to say I have been averaging $100-$200 a month. I also have some exclusive stuff I do that is invite only called erewards so I count that. So since I stopped putting my online earnings into my Just Been Paid account I probably have $60 in my paypal, $40 in Payza and $110 or so in my bank again. All while working fulltime, 2 kids. If I had all day to do this stuff and no kids I could do some damage I can tell you that.
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Re: One thread, my best GPT, PTC and other online earners

Unread postby » AvalonX » Fri, 10 August 2012, 1:04 am | #4 of 7 |

Nice! a 50 point sign up bonus for Superpoints:
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Make Money by posting on forums:
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Re: One thread, my best GPT, PTC and other online earners

Unread postby » Viral_Mechanical » Fri, 10 August 2012, 4:02 am | #5 of 7 |

Thanks for this list i will be trying out some of your recommendations, can you tell me what 50 points from superpoints will get..

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Re: One thread, my best GPT, PTC and other online earners

Unread postby » AvalonX » Fri, 10 August 2012, 7:09 pm | #6 of 7 |

Viral_Mechanical wrote:Thanks for this list i will be trying out some of your recommendations, can you tell me what 50 points from superpoints will get..

You earn point on GPT sites with surveys, offers and in Superpoints you have the super lucky button. Signing up with that link gives you 50 points in your account to start instead of zero. Its one time use though.
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Re: One thread, my best GPT, PTC and other online earners

Unread postby » AvalonX » Mon, 13 August 2012, 8:58 pm | #7 of 7  Reply

I have a 25 point bonus signup today guys for Superpoints:
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