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Join TLINT & You Will Be Earning $5/ $10/ $20/ $30/ $50

Unread postby » charlly008 » Tue, 4 November 2014, 7:26 pm | #1 of 2 |


TOUCHINGLIVES INTERNATIONAL Is a company you can join and will :

1. Be doing all the required work needed to be done on programs for you to earn money from them. You only need to join our company and we will be handling all the works for you.

2. Help you make the kind of money online that can sustain you and your family & you will no longer need to work for anyone just like :

Mr Dexter Birdie Yager who made $15,600,000 ( Fifteen Million,Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ) from Amway, USA.

Angela & Rayne Ho who made $13,200,000 ( Thirteen Million, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ) from Nu Skin, Singapore

Barry Chi & Holy Chen who made $7,800,000 ( Seven Million, Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ) from Amway, Taiwan.

Mr Holton Buggs who made $7,200,000 ( Seven Million, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ) from Organo Gold, USA

Shane Morand who made $7,200,000 ( Seven Million, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ) from Organo Gold, Canada

Mr Brian McClure who made $5,424,000 ( Five Million, Four Hundred & Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars ) from Ambit Energy, USA

Kim Hui who made $4,800,000 ( Four Million, Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ) from Jeunesse, USA

Raquel Cortez who made $4,740,000 ( Four Million, Seven Hundred & Fourty Thousand Dollars ) from Herbalife, Mexico

( These are people who made Millions from Internet. You can check on Google to confirm this fact. This is also a prove to those who believes making money online is not possible. This is the prove you need to change that opinion. )

3. Give you Programs that are reliable & will surely earn you Money Online without having to Refer or Sell Things.

4. Help you get Downlines for your MLM Programs in order to earn fast from them.

5. Design a Website for you for free which will make, making money online a lot easier for you. It will help your advertising because lot of people will be visiting the site and will show interest in what you posted in there. A Personal Website is really necessary if you want to earn big online. You will also get help on how to use the site.

6. Help you investigate if a program is safe and is sure to make you money.

7. Mentor you on how you can own a Money Making Program of your own where Thousands of People from the Whole World can come in and be making money from. With $1,000 you can own a big Money Making Program online which can earn you millions of money.

8. Help you get funds to expand or start your business.

9. Get Your Programs / Services / Company Products Advertised to Millions of People Worldwide For Free.

10. Get you Cheap MTN & Etisalat Browsing Data ( MTN 250MB for N350 / MTN 500MB for N600 / MTN 1Gb for N1,000 / MTN 2GB for N1,900 / MTN 3GB For N2,900 / MTN 5GB for N4,500 / MTN 10GB for N8,500 / Etisalat 1GB for N1,400 / Etisalat 2GB for N2,500 / Etisalat 3GB for N3,700 ).

11. Help you turn $7.50 ( N1,500 ) to a Daily Earnings of $5 ( 2 Times ) / $10 ( 4 Times ) / $20 ( 8 Times ) / $50 ( 16 Times ) / $300 ( 16 Times ) / $1,500 ( 16 Times ) / $3,500 ( 16 Times ) without referring anyone.

You will be Getting Paid Everyday, Directly and Automatically to your Local Bank Account or through Any Means of Your Choice ?

You will be registered to these three programs and what you will be earning are :

TheTeamWorkProject :

$5 ( 2 Times )

$10 ( 4 Times )

$20 ( 8 Times )

$50 ( 16 Times )

$300 ( 16 Times )

$1,500 ( 16 Times )

$3,500 ( 16 Times )

Total Earning : $122,780

Super2X7 :

$1.5 ( 2 Times )

$2 ( 4 Times )

$5 ( 8 Times )

$30 ( 16 Times )

$200 ( 32 Times )

$500 ( 64 Times )

$1000 ( 128 Times )

Total Earning : $166,931

TeamoneyMaker :

$1 ( 2 Times )

$2 ( 4 Times )

$8 ( 8 Times )

$50 ( 16 Times )

$150 ( 32 Times )

$200 ( 64 Times )

$250 ( 128 Times )

Total Earning : $50,474

$7.50 ( N1,500 ) Membership Cost will earn you Total of $122,780 + $166,931 + $50,474 = $340,185 ( N68,037,000 )

These are Member to Member Payment Matrix Programs. Members are paying each other. You get paid by people placed under you, that is,your downlines. They pay to you directly. The method of payment you preferred will be shown to them when they are about to pay you.

Our COMPANY will place people that will be paying you, under you if you join us. All members can only have maximum of Two Direct downlines on all three programs, which is very easy to achieve. Two Downlines is all that is needed to kick start your Earnings. We will get that for you just like we are doing for all our downlines.

On These Programs :

You don’t need to refer anyone

You don’t need to sell or do any work. We will be doing all the work required for you to earn

Admin of these programs have no business with your money

You don’t pay any company

Members are paying each other

You will be getting paid any way you want

You can have more than one account & be getting double or multiple payments

You can create accounts for your families & friends. There is no IP Restriction

Payment is direct and automatic, Withdrawal request is not needed, no waiting for payments.

You can choose to be getting your Earnings through :

Direct Bank Payment

Skrill ( Money Booker )

Western Union








We are handling everyone’s registration and we are also following all payments to everyone under us. We make sure everyone get paid no matter the form of payment you want, be it Direct Bank Payment or through ecurrencies.

This had removed the Payment problems associated with Member To Member Payment Programs.

Our Downlines are getting Instant Upgrades. There is no waiting for your Upline to come online before you get your Upgrade Payment Approved & get Upgraded to Higher Levels. We are handling all that.

Seventy – Five people joined these three programs through us less than a week . Some of them made $50 ( N10,000 ) within the first week of joining the programs. You will see Proves of Payments on our Site.

We do have a forum on the site where Payments from the programs and others, are being posted. You can use the forum too, to post your adverts online.

In Case You Are Doubting The Reliability Of These Programs :

I want you to know that, these kind of programs cannot scam you or anyone. They are member to member payment programs. Admin does not have access to member’s money. You don’t need to ask for withdrawal or submit payment request. You will be getting paid directly by new members that comes in and is placed under you.

Anyone that wants to register for the programs needs to pay for his or her membership. That membership fee will go to you if the member is placed under you and you are yet to have two people placed directly under you.

The new member will make the payment to you and you will approve or activate that new member’s account before the member can also start getting paid or make money.

The other payments you will be receiving after you have been paid Registration Payment by the Two Members that are directly placed under you, is Upgrading Payment.

These programs are having different levels and each is, having its own earnings. The higher the level you get to, the more money you will make.

One needs to pay a fee known as Upgrading fee for these levels. You will pay your Upline this fee ( this will happen when you have gotten the maximum number of payments allowed on the Level you are in & needs to move to higher level ) and you will now start receiving same amount of Upgrading fee from lot of people who are your downlines.

Each level is having the maximum number of people you can receive Upgrading Fee from before you move to next Level. You pay upgrading fee for each Levels, once.

For you to move up to higher levels, all that is needed is downlines. Once you have gotten your two downlines, they too needs to get their own two and as well as those that join under them. It is necessary to help one’s downlines here for one to move to those higher levels.

When your downlines are through with the Level they are in, they will want to upgrade to Higher Level. The upgrade fee for that Higher Level will go to you. This is how you will be getting money on each levels.

The little money required to join these programs can be turned to millions of dollars for you. You don’t need to spend Thousands to make real money online. All that is needed is to join the perfect program and have a perfect plan on how to work on it.

This is the Perfect plan you need right now. Join our company – TOUCHINGLIVES INTERNATIONAL and you will start making real money online.

As i mentioned earlier, we are handling things for our downlines on these sites. We are doing this to make sure everything goes smoothly and everyone makes money. Whenever an upgrade payment or Registration payment is sent to a member, we make sure there is no delay in approving the payment and activating the payer’s account.

We will notify you immediately you have earned money. This is the reason we are asking for everyone’s Phone Number or any means we can reach you fast.

We are the one that will get the payment from the Payer and then sent it to the person who is to get it using the method of payment stated on the person’s account on those sites.

It is possible a new member may pay for his or her membership using Payza but the person who is to get the money may be having just Perfectmoney account. Our company will pay the upline through Perfectmoney and keep the Payza.

This way, there won’t be any problem with payments at all.

Our company is bringing in everyone that loves to make money online. Both Computer literate and illiterate. Many of these people don’t know how to use Internet. We are the one handling things for them. And it is not everyone that knows how to operate all these Ecurrency accounts like Payza / Perfectmoney / Egopay / Solidtrustpay etc.

A lot of people loves to get paid through their local Bank. We are doing everything possible to make sure everyone get paid no matter how its wanted.

Any amount of money you earned, it will reflect in your member area on the sites. You can check it any time whenever you get paid to verify if the amount you got is the same with what is stated in your Member’s area.

We are helping all our downlines. Its compulsory we do this. Our Downlines must be earning money, for us to earn too. If our downlines are not earning money, we cannot earn. Our downlines must Progress for us to get to the Top.

A lot of people are rushing these programs right now. Why won’t they ?

It is cheap to join. It cost just $7.50 ( N1,500 )

We are helping them placed people under them as downlines.

They don’t need to refer anyone or sell anything

They can get paid directly to their Local Bank Account

Even without having a laptop or Internet Access, they can make money from it

All they have to do is pay the money and be expecting Payment Alerts

The $7.50 ( N1,500 ) they paid will earn them total of $340,185 ( N68,037,000 )

They will get a website they can use to advertise their other stuffs designed for free

They can also submit their other programs and products & get them advertised to millions of people for free

Why won’t they join the program that allows all these benefits ? Most people loves this. This is what most had been yelling for.

You too should join us and enjoy these benefits too.

Remember, all it cost to join our Company is $7.50 ( N1,500 )

It will be used to get you registered to the Three Programs ( This is the Membership cost for the Three Programs ) and we will be doing all that is needed to be done for you to earn money from them.


You will get the details on How To Make Your Membership Payment For The Three Programs on the Payment Page, among the Top Menus,on our site.




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$2 / $5 / $8 / $10 / $20 / $30 / $50 / $100 / $150 / $200 Daily Earnings / Free Designed Website / Free Advertisement For Your Other Programs Or Products To Millions Of People Online Will Be Your Benefits If You Join TLINT -

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Re: Join TLINT & You Will Be Earning $5/ $10/ $20/ $30/ $50

Unread postby » charlly008 » Sun, 23 November 2014, 9:44 am | #2 of 2  Reply

We will like to inform everyone that we have moved our program to a new site to make things a lot better.

The new site is :

Another had been added as well, making it Four Programs :


We have also started paying for everyone referred to us. The commission is $0.50 ( N100 ) for each person referred.

Some Of The Benefits Of Being A Member Of TouchingLives International Are :

1. You will get paid $0.50 ( N100 ) for each person you invited or referred to join us. The person invited must join :





through us.

The cost of joining the Four Programs is $8.50 ( N1,700 ). It is One Time Payment.

Remember, Touchinglives International will be doing all the work necessary for you to be getting or earning money from them. Yours is to join up. If you can and able to bring anyone in as well, TouchingLives International will personally paid you for that.

You can asked to be paid this commission anytime. No minimum and maximum needed for withdrawal.

You have to register for Our Affiliate Program. Click AFFILIATE AREA among the TOP MENU. Once you are through with your registration for the Affiliate program, you will log in to your Affiliate Page where you will get your Referral Link to use in inviting people in.

Registration for Our Affiliate Program is different from the normal Registration for our site.

See the referring bonus as commission for helping yourself. Those that you bring in will be registered under you. They will belong to you. So, we are paying you to help yourself too.

We have Banners, Poster, Flier that you can use to advertise your link and get people in.

2. We will help you submit your adverts to all the Four Programs.

3.We will also help you place your adverts on our site and get it advertised to millions of people online.

4.A free Designed Website and Flier to help your advertising.

5.Get Mentored on how and where to advertise and get fast result.

All these are the benefits you will be getting from us.

Join us now and start making real money online.

$2 / $5 / $8 / $10 / $20 / $30 / $50 / $100 / $150 / $200 Daily Earnings / Free Designed Website / Free Advertisement For Your Other Programs Or Products To Millions Of People Online Will Be Your Benefits If You Join TLINT -

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AVZoom: Regular Author
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Name: Charlly007

Review and discuss affiliate programs and services. YOU CAN POST AFFILIATE/REFERRAL LINKS AND BONUS CODES IN THIS FORUM.
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