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Earn $3,228,503 / Month + Royalty program + 15 level inc

Unread postby » jeff777 » Fri, 30 January 2015, 2:57 pm | #1 of 5 |

I need your 5 Mins to read the plan, I Guarantee you this will change your Life.

Do you want to earn $12,914,108 Level income.
Do you want to earn $3,228,503 Monthly Residual income.
Do you want to earn BIG ROYALTY INCOME.

Lets start the journer to earn in MILLIONS with Millions Network Inc.

What is Millions Network...?
Millions Network Inc is MLM company, Which provides you unique, Longterm, Stable income Opportunity with affordable package.
Yes, With online virtual products which boost up your BUSINESS 10X Times.

Registration with MILLIONS NETWORK is free.

Upgrade cost : $25 (lifetime validity).

Products you get from MILLIONS NETWORK are following:

1. Personal Page with Live support center : Millions Network provides you Personal page to each member including live contact me form which convert your work to instant result.
2. Live Statistics : Millions Network provides you Live statistic of members. (Example: Time of visits, Ip records, Location of visits, Total number of visits.)
3. Lead Capturing page : 100% Visitors tracking and Lead collecting page to grow your business to 100% Results.
4. Email campaigning : Send emails to your downline on single click.
5. Promotional Tools : Promotional Texts, Email templates, Every size banners, Promotional images, Power point presentations.
6. Free Stuffs : Free E-Books.

Business Opportunity:


######### 15 Level Income ($15 Fund distribution for 15 level income) #########
Company has distributed $15 upto 15 level.
Earning Potential is $12,914,108 +

######### 3 Level Royalty Program ($6 Fund distribution for 3 level royalty program) #########
Company has designed 3 level royalty (royalty 1, royalty 2, royalty 3)

1. Royalty 1 : Company has distributed $1 for this program. Member who complete 2 SPONSOR WITHIN 15 DAYS from the date of UPGRADE will qualify for this royalty program.
For example: If company make a business of 5,000 Upgrades x $1 = $5,000 (Royalty Collected) , The amount of $5,000 will be distributed to the number of achievers.
Royalty validity : 3 months.

2. Royalty 2 : Company has distributed $2 for this program. Member who complete 4 SPONSOR WITHIN 30 DAYS from the date of UPGRADE will qualify for this royalty program.
For example: If company make a business of 5,000 Upgrades x $2 = $10,000 (Royalty Collected) , The amount of $10,000 will be distributed to the number of achievers.
Royalty validity : 6 months

3. Royalty 3 : Company has distributed $3 for this program. Member who complete 6 SPONSOR WITHIN 45 DAYS from the date of UPGRADE will qualify for this royalty program.
For example: If company make a business of 5,000 Upgrades x $3 = $15,000 (Royalty Collected) , The amount of $15,000 will be distributed to the number of achievers.
Royalty validity : Lifetime.

Conditions for Royalty program.
1. Member who complete 2 sponsor within 15 days will qualify royalty 1 for 3 months.
2. Member who complete 4 sponsor within 30 days will qualify royalty 2 for 6 months.
3. Member who complete 6 sponsor within 45 days will qualify royalty 3 for Lifetime.
4. If member complete 4 sponsor within 30 days will qualify royalty 1 + royalty 2.
5. If member complete 6 sponsor within 45 days will qualify royalty 1 + royalty 2 + royalty 3.

######### 5% Company Royalty Program. #########
Member who complete 10 Sponsor within 20 days of time from the date of Upgrade, Will achieve 5% of company royalty holder.
If company total profit is $100,000 then $5000 will be distributed to number of achievers.
Royalty validity is for lifetime.
Note: If you complete 10 sponsor within 20 days, you are also qualifying Royalty 1 + Royalty 2 + Royalty 3 + 5% Company royalty.

######### Monthly Residual Income ($3 Advance fund for 2 month subscription) #########
Note: With the upgrade of $25, company deposit $3 to your monthly subscription e-wallet (2 month advanced subscription).
Company deduct $1.5 every month from your subscription e-wallet and distributed $0.15 till 15 Uplines.
Earning Potential : $3,228,503 / Month.

######### Deposit and Withdrawal F.A.Q #########
1. Deposit method : Perfect money and Paypal (coming soon).
2. Deposit charge : 2.5% Additional.
3. Withdrawal method : Perfect money + Paypal + Bank withdrawal.
4. Minimal withdrawal : $5 / Bank withdrawal $100.
5. Withdrawal charges : 5% for Perfect money and Paypal / Bank withdrawal charges 10%.
6. Minimal fund transfer amount : $5
7. Fund transfer charges : 2.5%

######### IMPORTANT #########
As a product mentioned above, Company provides you Lead Capturing page,
So please enter USERNAME : jeff3330
Enter your name, email address and contact number.
This is compulsory as GUEST REGISTRATION so you could visit my PERSONAL PAGE.

######### Website Details #########
Website :
SPONSOR ID : jeff3330
My email address:
Skype : jeff.galindo777

Thank you for reading, Have a great time.

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Re: Earn $3,228,503 / Month + Royalty program + 15 level inc

Unread postby » jeff777 » Mon, 2 February 2015, 5:58 pm | #2 of 5 |

Got free account upgrade of cost $25

Name : John
Username : TheCrowLife
Do you need free upgrades.

Register under me :
Use Sponsor id : jeff3330

Note: Offer for first 100 people.


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Re: Earn $3,228,503 / Month + Royalty program + 15 level inc

Unread postby » jeff777 » Tue, 3 February 2015, 6:17 am | #3 of 5 |

Got free account upgrade of cost $25
Name : Gabriel Tisera
Username : surfgot

Do you need free upgrades.

Register under me :
Use Sponsor id : jeff3330

Note: Offer for first 100 people.


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Re: Earn $3,228,503 / Month + Royalty program + 15 level inc

Unread postby » jeff777 » Tue, 3 February 2015, 5:47 pm | #4 of 5 |

Got free account upgrade of cost $25

Name : cxl2000
Username : Pervez Alam

Name : nextbuzz
Username : Roch Amani

Name : mayster
Username : dyren may molaro

Name : ivishal
Username : vishal iriventi

Name : grvsunny
Username : koushal Goyal

Do you need free upgrades (just 82 free upgrades remanined)

Register under me :
Use Sponsor id : jeff3330

Note: Offer for first 100 people.


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AVZoom: New Member
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#833 Joined:
Thu, 29 January 2015, 2:10 pm

Re: Earn $3,228,503 / Month + Royalty program + 15 level inc

Unread postby » jeff777 » Thu, 12 February 2015, 5:48 pm | #5 of 5  Reply

Got free account upgrades to following members:

Username : KEDUNWANG

Username : JOKYR122
Name : Satince Rosales

Username : Processor
Name : Fatih YILDIIRM running very good...

Join today.

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#833 Joined:
Thu, 29 January 2015, 2:10 pm

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