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Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » Beerforkids » Wed, 23 May 2012, 9:27 pm | #1 of 13 |

Hello to all the MOC members and guests so today i want to talk about using youtube as a way to make money.
All of what im going to say is from experience and leaders in this field/ocupation.

So to star off is youtube a way to making money online-Short answer no long answer yes.

So now i will explain the above.U can make a living off youtube but it takes alot of time and
u need to be good at something that is in your videos.Now i will explain a few things so u can understand.

So yes u can make a living off youtube.The main ways people do this at the moment is.
1 Your a Gamer u record your Gameplay do commentary.Or a series with commentary.
2 Pets and comedie videos are much easier if u have funny pets or your funny
3 We have Talk shows that talk about interesting topics in the news or debates.
4 Your a musician/Band and want to show off what you do.
5 Reviewers are very popular these days every consumer at 1 point will look up a product and review-
to see if thay like it say a new dvd player is released u review it 2 days after release.Some guy/gal goes hmmm i like
that product i mite go and find out more about it so thay Google it or use whatever search engine bam thay see your video click it and thats 1 view if u are a partnerd channel or have adsense enabled thats a instant money not much.But if its a new product after a month u could have easily a 20.000 and thats about 50-100$ estimated.If its a new product/game or something popular it can be tripled.

So all of the above is pretty simple now we get to the complex part.You wont get any money from youtube unless u have a Google adsense aproved channel/account or u are partnerd with youtube.Partnership is a advanced youtube account with features like a scheduled uploader advanced channel features links and icons on your page u get a banner for your name u can chose video icons.Now to get this far u need to be good and i mean f#cking good at what you do or well liked.

Now i will explain how u could get a partnership to make money.
1 u have 1 million video views 10.000 subscribers and you aplly for a partnership.
There is no guarante u will get it.
2 U are noticed by a large Company like Machinima or TGN or Someone else this apllys to gaming at the moment.
3 This is a about the above or u aplly or know someone in one of these groups.

Any other way of getting a partnership are unheard of at the time of this been writen.
So far u have a rough guide of the question if youtube can make u money.
And its a yes and no answer its no varied of a questions its like asking do u like jam or penut butter.
Some say yes some say no.I hope i explained a few things to you guys and helped.
If u have any sugestiosn or questions feel free to ask me.And later on in the year i will have more guides for u guys.
Thanks Avatar100400 From Avatar100400Gaming
I dunno what i am supposed to put here oh well.

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » MOC » Fri, 25 May 2012, 4:14 am | #2 of 13 |

Great post man gives me some ideas anyway they will be for a new topic. Must be pretty amazing to put out a video that goes viral and gets millions of hits that would be some real advertising potential there.

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » trident252 » Sun, 27 May 2012, 3:49 pm | #3 of 13 |

Your post gave me at least two new ideas that I am going to work on implementing. That's the reason I joined this forum, to learn some new tricks.

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Mon, 28 May 2012, 4:33 am | #4 of 13 |

This was a great guide. Thanks for writing it up. Have you investigated Google Hangouts or is YouTube still the place to be for making money as a video blogger?

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » Beerforkids » Mon, 28 May 2012, 4:59 am | #5 of 13 |

u need to be really good or very well liked like me to A get a partnership and earn money or B are very well liked a get Partnerd with Machinima.And from what i know there are hardly if any video bloggers.And WTF Google hangouts is a thing now fuck me google loves making people there bitches.Anyway hope i answerd your question sugarHill and excuse my language shhh dont tell MOC.
I dunno what i am supposed to put here oh well.

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » Sugarhill » Mon, 28 May 2012, 5:46 am | #6 of 13 |

Oh, don't worry about the language. Yes, Google Hangouts is a new thing that they are doing with Google+. I guess YouTube is still the place to be and even then, it's not the easiest thing to do. Once again, thanks for the insight into it.

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » Beerforkids » Mon, 28 May 2012, 10:11 pm | #7 of 13 |

Yeah the google hangouts thing wont go anywere.Youtube Gamers have just started to be recognised by game devs.
So with the estimated now billions every year that go into youtube will be doubled.And np glad i helped.
I dunno what i am supposed to put here oh well.

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » trendchaser » Sun, 3 June 2012, 10:49 am | #8 of 13 |

Definitely. you can monetize the traffic that you get from Youtube by sending them to CPA offers. They pay you every time a visitor you refer fills out a form. Getting people to fill out forms in exchange for some kind of freebie that the advertiser is offering is real easy :)

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » difrancprod » Sat, 16 June 2012, 10:51 am | #9 of 13 |

I think that YouTube has revolutionized not just the art of filmmaking but making money out of it as well. There is a massive chance that you could earn a lot by making all those videos but the catch is that you have got to really make them interesting, informative and something very unique. New filmmakes like the names of Ryan Higa and KevJumba are nailing it!

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » dziomek » Thu, 21 June 2012, 2:32 pm | #10 of 13 |

I have not yet made any videos, much less upload them to YouTube. I do see the potential it has to earn some income though, and it is on my To-Do list. I'm a little camera shy and am unsure as to how I would go about making videos for my freelancing business. I have other obligations at this point in time, but will be considering this type of exposure in the future. The information has been helpful - now just to make the time to utilize it. :)
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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » olley99 » Sat, 23 June 2012, 11:56 am | #11 of 13 |

Google is better them yahoo in terms of search results it shows. I use yahoo only in some cases for varied results. Tho my experience has been if a google search for a perticular keyword shows poor results, yahoo or other engines show even poorer results.

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » Beerforkids » Wed, 27 June 2012, 2:39 pm | #12 of 13 |

olley99 i dont see your point its not very related what do u mean and how is it related explain for me please.
And Dziomek dont think of youtube as making money that can take years and at the end of the day if your just going into
youtube to make money u wont get anywhere.This post was to explain and now that i think about it youtube isnt for making money at all
and i will be talking to MOC about redoing the youtube area.Thats all i wanted to really say let me know guys any feedback would be good for a new project il have up for u guys.
I dunno what i am supposed to put here oh well.

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Re: Is youtube a road to money and some answers

Unread postby » Lena51 » Fri, 3 August 2012, 3:57 am | #13 of 13  Reply

I haven't experienced youtube as such money maker or anything but I would like to know more about it. So if you have more information on youtube, give it to us that doesn't know. I enjoy youtube as far as the music videos are concerned and couldn't be more happy with the site.

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