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Leverage One of the most Underrated Marketing Strategies

Unread postby » onlinesuccess » Wed, 31 August 2022, 12:28 pm | #1 of 1  Reply

Posting Classified Ads is, in my opinion one of the most underrated forms of marketing for any affiliate or business. Posting classified ads is considered as old school marketing but in my experience, it is still effective if used well. Thousands of people scour through classified ads sites daily looking for products personally or to grow their business.

Many of those who post ads on classified ad sites pay for their ads to be highlighted and given priority over other ads. I've had my ads highlighted as well and I or any of the other marketers wouldn't do this if it doesn't work for us. One of my first sales in my business came from classified ads. It was a recurring customer who still pays me to this day.

One of the first sales(recurring) I made on one of my services using traffic only from classified ads:


2 Reasons Why You Should Include Classified Ad Marketing In Your Promotion Strategy

- Classified ad marketing is fast. Ads are usually published immediately without having to wait for verification from any admin. This gives your business/website exposure to thousands of potential customers.

- Like I already touched upon before, the people on classified ads are actively looking for services/products for either themselves or their business. I've had an actual company sign up for a service offer and they are still one of my paying clients to this day.

How to Leverage the Power of Classified Ads To Get More Sales, Leads & Better Results in General

1. Promote A Landing Page with an Opt-in Form & not a Big Corporate Website

You only have a few seconds to get your prospect's attention. If you send them to a big corporate site with different links, about us pages, different products, company history etc., then prospects will most likely just click away. You need a clear simple landing page which has one clear focus and that is to get the prospect's email address so you can follow up. Then your auto responder can follow up indefinitely every few days with follow ups giving your prospect more information on your product or service.

Your initial goal is not to get the sale but to get the email along with but not compulsorily, the name of the people on your website/Page. Often, you offer something, usually a free giveaway, bonus or discount to entice the prospect. Most prospects are not just going to go to your website and buy right away, Do Not Expect Sales Right Away it can happen, but don't place your hope in it. Instead, focus on collecting emails and following up with them until they trust you enough to buy from you.

Landing Page Samples:



The second landing page is relatively new but I've gotten opt-ins and referrals to the program I'm promoting while the first page is more older and has served me well. I offer $100 in ads on a high traffic site the I personally use and has worked for me and I've made sales and gotten many referrals with that page so this works.

2. Create Compelling Eye Catching, Curiosity Arousing Titles.

The title is the first part of your classified ad that your prospect will see, take some time to come up with some killer headlines. Look through the headlines of some other pages and modify it in a way that suits your business/offer.

Try this formula: Number or Trigger word - Adjective-Keyword-Promise. The second landing page above is a perfect example. A number ($100), A trigger word (Free), A keyword (Advertising) and a promise (the fact that the advertising works.)


Before: How to Bathe an Elephant

After: 18 Unbelievable Ways You Can Bathe an Elephant Indoors.

3. Have a Fantastic Offer!

I know this sounds simple but whether you're an affiliate marketer or any other type of marketer/business owner, Your offer is everything. There is no sense in paying for advertising if your offer does not offer overwhelming value for the prospect. Ask yourself honestly “am I offering a legit fantastic deal for my customers?” Rack your brain to come up with ideas to make your offer better.

Spy on your competition and see what they are doing and if you can do the same or better. What bonuses can you offer your customers? What special deals can you offer them? What are you offering that your customer is not offering? Think what you would want if you were your customer and give your customers just that and more.

Even if you are promoting an affiliate offer you can still offer special bonuses. Successful affiliates set up web pages with bonuses if people order from their links. Get creative.

4. Pay For Upgraded Ads

Sometimes it is just worth it to pay for upgraded ads on classified ad sites. Like I mentioned at the beginning, many marketers including myself opt for the option to have our ads highlighted and given priority over other free ads. It's not free but it's extremely cheap and worth it. Some classified ad sites automatically repost your upgraded ads to keep them recent which is also great.

5. Use A Classified Ad Submission Service (Biggest Leverage)

For those who know anything about classified ads sites, one of the biggest draw back it how long it takes to post ads. And the thing with classified ads sites is everyone is constantly posting their ads so posting a few ads will get you little to no traffic. You need to have your ads posted multiple times to start seeing consistent results. I can't tell you how many people tear their hair out after posting only a few ads.

Every site has a different set of criteria it seems which makes submitting ads a very frustrating experience. This is where a Classified Ad Submission Service comes in. How it works is you sign up and give them your ad and website and they submit your ads and website to thousands of classified ad sites and other high traffic sites automatically each month giving you consistent, quality traffic.

It's not free but extremely affordable & worth it for the amount of time you save and the quality of the traffic the provide. It's a low-cost high-quality solution to your traffic and time saving needs. It shocks me sometimes how many people have failed to make use of this.

It may convert better than Google/Bing PPC ads depending on your offer because you are promoting directly to marketers/buyers who are actively looking for the service and already have some know-how. (Don't take this as a guarantee but it does happen.)

A classified Ad Submission Service I personally recommend is 'Classified Submissions' which is actually owned by a partner of mine Matthew. His service is trusted by over 5000 marketers and growing everyday. Here's what they will do for you:

Your ads will be submitted automatically each month to:

==> 1000's of Classified Ad Pages
==> 30+ Upgraded Ads on 30+ High Traffic Classified Sites (Yearly Membership)
==> 500 + High Quality Optimized Permanent Blog Posts on Our Exclusive Network!
==> 100+ Web 2.0 Properties Like Tumblr and! These are permanent links!
==> 1500+ Statistic Websites Which Get Your Site Indexed Fast in Google with Permanent High Quality Links!

It's very easy to get started.

1. You Place Your Order

2. You are redirected to a page where you give them your ad details

3. They prepare your campaign and send you a login and tracking link.

The customer service provided is also amazing. Matthew and his staff do their best to reply every of you enquiries and you are also protected by a 30-Days-Money Back guarantee.

If you're interested and would like to learn more or get started right away, you can do so by clicking the link below

Classified Submission

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