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Do you need a website to sign up for affiliate programs?

I couldn't find my answer to this through a google search. I apologize if this has been answered before. On most affiliate sites like Amazon, they require you to type your web domain in. Can you use a blogger website or do you have to own your own domain? I thought I would ask here first before I ge...
Post by cheesecake
Sun, 8 July 2012, 10:30 pm
Topic: Do you need a website to sign up for affiliate programs?
Replies: 12
Views: 2932

Re: FB Status Sharing

Honestly, as long as you post quality content, your friends shouldn't be upset about it. Just don't go crazy and post like 10 status updates in a day. I agree with what Dugs said too. You should have a different facebook account when you try different things, so you don't look like a spammer to your...
Post by cheesecake
Sun, 8 July 2012, 10:44 pm
Topic: FB Status Sharing
Replies: 9
Views: 4094

Friend 4 Friend

Hello everyone, I need some Facebook friends and Twitter followers for my next campaign. If you need some friends/followers too I will also follow you. I don't want to give my accounts on here, so PM me with your facebook and/or twitter account and I will add you as a friend and subscribe to your tw...
Post by cheesecake
Sat, 28 July 2012, 5:47 pm
Topic: Friend 4 Friend
Replies: 0
Views: 1438

Re: How content creators make money on YouTube

You can also earn some extra money by having links with ad fly. Basically, put an ordinary link in the adfly creator and it churns out a link with some ads on it. When someone clicks on it, you get a few cents. I wouldn't recommend it for linking to your blog/website because the ads a...
Post by cheesecake
Sun, 8 July 2012, 10:48 pm
Topic: How content creators make money on YouTube
Replies: 10
Views: 3878

Other sites like Adsense?

Does anyone know if there are other sites like Adsense around? How else can you put ads on your websites? I signed up for Adsense about a week ago but my account still hasn't been approved yet. I'm a little new at this so any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Post by cheesecake
Sun, 8 July 2012, 10:35 pm
Topic: Other sites like Adsense?
Replies: 5
Views: 6397

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