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Rant Alert!!

Unread postby » genieswish » Mon, 28 May 2012, 6:32 pm | #1 of 3 |

What's really intriguing me at the moment is the mindset of the minority of posters in forums such as this one - I'm sure it will start here soon! Sorry if I sound like I'm on my soapbox here, but here's my rant LOL (i hope some of you have some answers to this one!)

This is a forum dedicated to making money on the computer, and in a matter of weeks the place will be overflowing with ideas, methods and resources for making money - yet there will always be posters who wont bother to read and just jump in with the first post "How can i make money online" or "whats the best /quickest way to make money online" (if you don't believe me, pop your nose into the warrior forum for 5 minutes). Asking for help is the only way to learn, and i'm totally indebted to forums for everything I've learnt recently, but why don't these people read a little bit first, and then ask for clarification or more info on one method?? I think a lot of people want a magic formula - click this button once a day (if you can be bothered) and earn $10,000 a day. Please feel free to correct me if you think I'm wrong on this !

If you have ever done this; what were you thinking at the time? did you really want help, or were you looking for the secret you thought the rest of the members had? Did you want general advice so you could go and put the work in yourself, or someone else to do the work for you?

I'll be honest, a few months ago I really did think I could sign up to some of these flashy sales pages and start earning mega money by doing nothing. I'm grateful that all i got was an inbox full of spam, and didn't lose any money! Only now I see that if it was that easy we'd all be billionaires LOL

When I first started looking for ideas, i signed up to at least 20 different sites that looked promising (thank goodness they were all free), and found it totally overwhelming and got nowhere, instead of finding one method that i thought i could work with and sticking to it.

Sorry to cause any offence with this post, it's not my intent - I just really want to know what the small minority that do this are looking for, then i'll blog about it and sell the ebook :lol:


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Re: Rant Alert!!

Unread postby » dziomek » Mon, 18 June 2012, 4:55 am | #2 of 3 |

Rant or not, you are correct. :) The copywriters are very good at their job, and obviously are the ones making the money. I too have signed up for different programs over the years, with visions of my bank account never dwindling. Boy, was I in for a shocker! It took, like you said, an email box full of spam to make me realize I was being suckered in to a scam that would never make me any money.

There are those who prey on the hardships of others to make their money. "Earn $1000 a day just by clicking here" is a sure sign the person in dire need of the money will click there only to be scammed into parting with money they don't have. The creator of the site the ad is linked to is then laughing all the way to the bank.

I tried PTC, but it seemed I was forever clicking and not making anything. I wised up and am now submitting my articles online; the pay is revenue shares mostly at this point, but I am still earning on articles I wrote over two years ago. Every once in awhile I land a gig that pays more than a few dollars and I am that much closer to reaching my goal.

Now, my own little piece of advice for others out there: "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" is a quote I now live by. Nothing comes easy - online or offline, the time and effort must still be put in. Good luck! :)
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Re: Rant Alert!!

Unread postby » Silverstar2154 » Sat, 23 June 2012, 6:50 pm | #3 of 3  Reply

It might sound like a rant but it's all true. The society we live in bombards us with examples of people who make tons of money without doing much of anything and in turn a lot of us are hard-wired to think that we can do the same too, all it takes is us putting in the work to find that thing. However some of us know that there isn't a magic button or what have you that we can click before we all start making money too. Some people learn that the hard way and get scammed. It's sad that there are scammers out there but it's a part of the game and you just have to be careful and keep your eyes open when it comes to everything.

I'm just now getting past that newbie stage of "If I sign up to a million places something has to work for me" and yes through trials and tribulations I've now shifted my focus on the few things that actually do work. I've been very fortunate to do my research and know that there are a lot of shady places out there but there are a lot of helpful people too so all my questions can get answered without me having to ask them and to this day I've yet to spend a dollar on the things I have going for me. It's just takes time, patience and hard work but investing those three things will begin to pay off dividends.

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