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False numbers = Scamming Website Owner!?

Unread postPosted: Sun, 8 July 2012, 8:15 pm
by freeautolinkbot
Hey MOC I saw this forum which is really strange. It claims to have 32,000 members but I dont believe it. It looks like alot of the posts were made by a bot or something. Is it possible? I got curious and did a little investigation I found it listed in google and it claims that it was founded in 2002 so I did a whois on the domain name and it was only registered at the end of 2011. No surprise to me. I wont say the name because I want you to have a look first and I have PM'd you. I'm bringing this up because I see this as the type of scamming that an admin dickhead like that should be exposed for!! Cant wait to hear from you and anyone else who may be interested or has seen a simular forum site speak up!

Re: False numbers = Scamming Website Owner!?

Unread postPosted: Sun, 8 July 2012, 9:24 pm
by genieswish
a lot of forums are created and used for the sole purpose of backlinks via profiles and sigs, i paid for backlinks on fiverr once and i found them all in weird porn forums and forums just full of links, luckily it didn't seem to do my site's rankings too much harm! a lot of the links have been dropped now, so they obviously dont last too long

Re: False numbers = Scamming Website Owner!?

Unread postPosted: Mon, 9 July 2012, 9:26 am
by MOC
Yea I see it as a scam and there are heaps that do this so there's no point naming them all, but they are not scamming money they are trying to scam an image that isn't real ... Most people will see what it is. Its foundation is a lie so it should probably fail lol.

Re: False numbers = Scamming Website Owner!?

Unread postPosted: Tue, 10 July 2012, 2:53 am
by needynerds
thought he was talking about this forum. I'm simply participating in this stuff in order to kill time and see what i can do to increase exposure