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CPC not working? Try CPM!

Unread postPosted: Tue, 12 June 2012, 5:15 pm
by OliBoli
I am a webmaster, I have 2 websites with low traffic. I tried a lot of PPC (Pay Per Click) monetizing networks until now, like Adsense for example, and no one worked for be, because my low number of visitors didn't click the ads. So I have been oriented for other monetizing ways for my websites, and finally I find the right ones: CPM (Cost Per Mille) networks. These networks are paying for ad views, not for ad clicks - so the webmasters will get paid for showing the CPM banners in their websites, even the visitors are clicking or not the ads! The prices are calculated for every 1000 views, and it depends of the visitor's country - some country visits are paid better, some lower, but almost all countries are accepted in the most of CPM networks.

So using CPM networks instead of CPC is a most easiest way to monetize your site, blog or forum, because using this networks you don't need to do anything, also your visitors don't need to do anything - they come and go, the banners are showing for them and you will get paid for this!

There are a lot of CPM networks that you can use for monetizing your blog, but my advice is: always read the F.A.Q. before joining them, because some of them are paying only for visits from top tier countries (USA, CAN, UK, Germany and 2-3 others), and if you don't have the most of visits from these countries, you won't earn too much! Also search the F.A.Q. for the minimum payment and the available payment processors; if you don't like them, don't join this network! And, the most important thing: don't join sites that don't have a F.A.Q. page, or if they are not showing the most important information you need at least in the Terms page (if they don't have F.A.Q.) - this sites are most probably scams, they won't pay you!

Re: CPC not working? Try CPM!

Unread postPosted: Tue, 12 June 2012, 5:33 pm
by Waynefire
What is the best one of these CPM markets to enter into? This is interesting because I have one site which uses Adsense on it, but never makes me more then a few cents a day. However, I get about 200 views per day on this site so this type of network would be great for me!

Re: CPC not working? Try CPM!

Unread postPosted: Wed, 13 June 2012, 1:26 pm
by OliBoli
If you want to add only 1 CPM network to your site, my advice is to add CPMfun, they are the best converting CPM company I have ever heart from. They have the rates from $0.65 to $9.00, they accept visits from many countries, and they count every impression. You can add up to 3 banners of their networks to your site, but be careful, all 3 banners must be different dimensions - don't add 2 same dimension banners! Unfortunately they have the minimum payout a little big, it is $100, but it is worth to use them anyway; other networks that have a low minimum payout, has also their cpm rates lower. And an other positive part of them is that you can opt for PayPal for withdrawing - try them, you will love this network!

Re: CPC not working? Try CPM!

Unread postPosted: Wed, 13 June 2012, 2:17 pm
by Waynefire
Oli, do any of them offer a Wordpress plugin? I should have thought about that before, but did not think it important, but now I do not want to go in and edit each page. Also can you still use Adsense?

Re: CPC not working? Try CPM!

Unread postPosted: Sun, 17 June 2012, 8:23 am
by OliBoli
No, unfortunately not any of them is offering a Wordpress plugin, you must add them manually on each page. But you can use them together with Adsense, and with any other CPC or CPM networks!

Re: CPC not working? Try CPM!

Unread postPosted: Tue, 19 June 2012, 5:51 pm
by celticlass
Oli, thank you so much for mentioning a company you think highly of.

Have you reached the $100 minimum payout?
If so - how long did it take for them to pay you?

Knowing that traffic will be the deciding factor and will vary from site to site, approximately how long did it take for you to reach the minimum payout level?

Thanks so much!

Re: CPC not working? Try CPM!

Unread postPosted: Tue, 19 June 2012, 8:36 pm
by OliBoli
No, I didn't reach yet the minimum payout, I have a very low number of impressions on my site. But I know some people who already reached the minimum payout in their first month, and now they are waiting for their money.