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Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Mon, 18 June 2012, 5:47 pm
by Rackermann
I just wanted to find out from this forum, if it was possible, if they have more information on the "Real Writing Jobs" ad that they have on this forum?

Have you guys dealt with them as writers before and how sure are you guys that they are legitimate? I am only asking because I am a freelance writer myself and we have heard some very bad things about these guys?

Your feedback will be appreciated..!

Thank you...

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Tue, 19 June 2012, 4:51 am
by Sugarhill
I went to look at the site and got to a part where it said something to the effect of "you only pay us," and at that point I stopped reading. They may be legitimate, but there are too many other sites where I wouldn't have to pay, that I wouldn't consider it.

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Tue, 19 June 2012, 6:58 am
by difrancprod
They offer a lot of promises but you must first pay something right? And that is what makes me think it's kind of a scam as well. Although I have heard that some are really making money from it just not sure if that is for real.

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Tue, 19 June 2012, 9:19 am
by UmmiNoor
I went to the site and signed up and then was brought to this long sales letter where at the end of it, they asked me to pay $68. Or I can get a 50% discount if I enter the coupon code. This is absolutely ridiculous. How can they ask you to pay money so that you can earn from them? There are many websites online that doesn't need you to pay for membership to get a writing job. You can try Elance, odesk, or you can just google freelance writing sites. All these sites are free to join. Don't bother with this one. It does seem like a scam.

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Tue, 19 June 2012, 10:01 am
by MOC
I'm glad you are discussing this topic, and would like to add to the conversation.

Before offering opinions such as scam or otherwise, if you have not used the service you are unaware of its potential. Any advertising done on this site is checked out not to be a scam. There is a 100% money back guarantee so if you do not like what you have bought, the vendor will give you a full refund within a 30 or 60 day time period which will be clearly stated at time of purchase. We only deal with 100% reputable product vendors who not only offer these guarantees, but deliver the guarantee also.

That is not the definition of a scam. If you do not wish to purchase the product and only use free offerings, that is ok and is your choice to do so.

Unfortunately I cannot test and review all products, and no-one can or does guarantee your earnings or success as is clearly stated with any product advertised here.

Even with a proven product that has made many people money or enhanced their online abilities, this does not mean that you will have the same success using the same program yourself.

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Tue, 19 June 2012, 3:29 pm
by Sugarhill
Well, you wouldn't be earning money from them. You'd be earning money from the people that work through them, but they are, for lack of a better word, the agency that you would be made aware of these requests. So, you'd be paying to have a clientele that I suppose others wouldn't be privy to.

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Tue, 19 June 2012, 6:47 pm
by MercyL
While I have not investigated "Real Writing Jobs", I have written for content sites like Demand Studios and Associated Content - now called Yahoo Contributor Network if memory serves.

You can make money online, if you are patient, but the days of lucrative content sites are over. Most writing websites now pay pennies per view, instead of lump sums.

Content sites are great for publishing articles used for getting higher paying writing gigs, though. Three summers ago, I picked up a great ghost writing gig through one of my published articles.

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Wed, 20 June 2012, 10:48 am
by UmmiNoor
MOC wrote:I'm glad you are discussing this topic, and would like to add to the conversation.

Before offering opinions such as scam or otherwise, if you have not used the service you are unaware of its potential. Any advertising done on this site is checked out not to be a scam. There is a 100% money back guarantee so if you do not like what you have bought, the vendor will give you a full refund within a 30 or 60 day time period which will be clearly stated at time of purchase. We only deal with 100% reputable product vendors who not only offer these guarantees, but deliver the guarantee also.

That is not the definition of a scam. If you do not wish to purchase the product and only use free offerings, that is ok and is your choice to do so.

Unfortunately I cannot test and review all products, and no-one can or does guarantee your earnings or success as is clearly stated with any product advertised here.

Even with a proven product that has made many people money or enhanced their online abilities, this does not mean that you will have the same success using the same program yourself.

I trust that MOC won't accept advertisers that are scammers. I don't mean to be presumptuous in saying that the advertisers are scammers since I've never tried their services. I just hate it when people make you pay them money so that you can start earning. I mean this will never happen if you look for a job in the real world. Does your employer ask you to pay them a fee in order to join the company? I think not.

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Wed, 20 June 2012, 11:05 am
by MOC
This is not entirely true UmmiNoor. I have a truck license that cost me $2,000.00. I have a forklift licence that cost me $500.00. I have done alot of work that I have needed to pay first before being given the job. I have had to pay for work uniforms and other qualifications. So yes I have had to pay good money in the past to get a job and secure a pay rise, and afterwards the work has come to recover those costs. That is the real world that I have had to deal with.

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Wed, 20 June 2012, 1:42 pm
by genieswish
As far as i see products such as this, you are not paying to work for them, you are simply paying for the information they are providing. If you follow the information, you won't be paying to work for a company. Sure you could spend hours looking for writing jobs yourself, i havent paid for the service; but i assume it's going to be similar to the paid survey's ones, where they just direct you to sites that are free to sign up to if you'd done the research yourself?
I personally wouldn't pay for it (i'm mean LOL), and maybe they could be a little clearer on the sales page as to what you're actually buying (but then they wouldnt get as many sales!) but I don't think it's a scam!
They have put time and effort into developing a service to sell, if MOC then directs someone to the sales page and they purchase it's money in both their pockets, if the buyer follows the info given then they too will make money - who's losing out?

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Wed, 20 June 2012, 2:06 pm
by dziomek
Rackermann wrote:I just wanted to find out from this forum, if it was possible, if they have more information on the "Real Writing Jobs" ad that they have on this forum?

Have you guys dealt with them as writers before and how sure are you guys that they are legitimate? I am only asking because I am a freelance writer myself and we have heard some very bad things about these guys?

Your feedback will be appreciated..!

Thank you...

Not long after I started my freelancing career I came across "Real Writing Jobs", and paid around $25 (rates could be different now) for my membership. It is a one-time fee and gives you access to thousands of resources. I have not found a list as extensive on the internet that I haven't had to pay for. I paid more for my Writer's Market book than the site membership, and each time I want updated information I have to buy a new book. With RWJ the site information is updated fairly regularly.

I also am an affiliate, which gives me an additional income stream. They act as an agent for the hundreds of freelancing job sites out there. I do occasionally get an email from them listing high-paying positions, but I am well aware of the fact they are being paid well for the advertiser they are representing.

I am not sorry I joined and spent a little money - it is up to you what you do, but I don't consider them to be scamming anyone.

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Wed, 20 June 2012, 2:13 pm
by genieswish
There you go, a review from someone that has actually bought it! Thanks for that dziomek, really useful info there :)

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Thu, 21 June 2012, 3:22 pm
by dziomek
genieswish wrote:There you go, a review from someone that has actually bought it! Thanks for that dziomek, really useful info there :)

Here is a brief breakdown of what you will find on the site:
- The Writing Job Database - lists over 1000 available jobs
- Premium Writing Jobs - these are hand picked by RWJ staff and are often higher paying
- More Ways to Make Money - this lists PTC sites, etc.
- Writing Contests - a list of current writing contests available to fiction/nonfiction writers, as well as poets, etc
- Write for magazines - this is an extensive list of magazines and links to their sites. Each one has different guidelines, so be sure to read them. Some accept only queries to start while others will accept written articles/manuscripts. some pay on publication, some on acceptance and some don't pay at all (but allow links to your website).

In addition to the job postings, they have several guides as free downloads with membership. The guides are for making money with blogging, Twitter, eBay, Amazon Affiliate Program, Google and Domain Cash Generator.

Personally, I think it was money well spent. Where else can you get information like that for one low price? Like I said, I paid around $25 for it, but the guides alone are worth $150. it's up to you what you choose to do with it, but i have no regrets. :)

The little bonus is the affiliation - I get a few dollars every time someone joins with my link. It only takes a handful of referrals to get your membership fee back. (I don't recall what the policy is for links in the posts, but visiting my signature links will point you in the right direction.)

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Thu, 21 June 2012, 3:56 pm
by Waynefire
That is some good information! I have always wondered about this site because I see the ads as well. However, when they say you pay us, I always stop as well because I am broke enough as it is! Do not need to be even broker by hiring someone to tell me stuff I thought I knew already!

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Thu, 21 June 2012, 4:10 pm
by MOC
dziomek wrote:(I don't recall what the policy is for links in the posts, but visiting my signature links will point you in the right direction.)

To do a really good review as you have done, the forum here viewforum.php?f=6 is where you can do it and post your affiliate links in your post, it is stated in the forum rules heading in that forum and on the MOC Homepage.

People will find your review in google so SEO your post well for the best chance of that. What will people search for if they want to know about the program you are promoting/reviewing? One important basic SEO principle to follow, match that possible user search with keywords in the topic subject of your post. You will get traffic from your reviews from forum members and search engine searches, it happens here daily as I can and do show with screenshots of Money On Computer's traffic logs. Good posting you should try a review or two of that quality dziomek ;)

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Fri, 13 July 2012, 3:57 am
by sassymomonthego
There are lots of decent blogs/websites that pay for articles. Some guest post articles are paid ones, maybe try to search for them.

Re: Writing Online?

Unread postPosted: Fri, 13 July 2012, 4:38 am
by hunysukle
I used to work full-time as a freelance writer for two years. Yes, there are many legitimate online content sites that pay. You can check them out on my website ( However, some writing sites pay so little they are not worth your time. You have to decide which sites are worth it and figure how many articles you can complete per day, taking into account any rewrites you may encounter.