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Unread postPosted: Wed, 25 July 2012, 11:01 am
by genieswish
I've been trying to find out a bit more info on, its the latest brainchild from Scott Wacker - he's also responsible for lawnchair millionaire.
it looks like a good idea - staged popular youtube videos with your ads around it, but right side of brain is screaming PYRAMID! LOL
Anyone else looked at this, have an opinion or even trying it out?


Unread postPosted: Thu, 26 July 2012, 12:01 am
by gothtini
I hadn't heard of it before, however it sounds interesting so I'm going to try it out and sign up now. I'll let you know what I find out!


Unread postPosted: Thu, 26 July 2012, 12:08 am
by Sugarhill
I haven't heard of it, but my first question would be is the money worth the time and effort that you would have to put into it? If it's staged, then they will most likely want it staged well and a good video takes some time to produce.


Unread postPosted: Thu, 26 July 2012, 1:47 am
by MOC
I was going to have a look at it until I re-read the post lol
genieswish wrote:its the latest brainchild from Scott Wacker - he's also responsible for lawnchair millionaire.

These programs might upgrade his lawnchair but will do nothing for mine lol.


Unread postPosted: Thu, 26 July 2012, 9:55 am
by genieswish
is lawnchair a pile of poop? i only looked at it because it was from a guy who usually sends decent info


Unread postPosted: Thu, 26 July 2012, 2:50 pm
by MOC
no I wasn't saying that genieswish, I was just thinking that 'being the product developer' is the place to be; or become!


Unread postPosted: Thu, 26 July 2012, 5:54 pm
by Laura

I have no idea what you are talking about. COuld you explain a little bit more for those who have never heard about that site? What does he do? How is it allowing us make money


Unread postPosted: Thu, 26 July 2012, 6:35 pm
by gothtini
Turns out in order to make money, you have to pay 25 dollars (or 1 dollar supposedly with the coupon they give when you sign up) to have the center stage membership. I would say its not worth the time really, why spend money to possibly make money after all when there are tons of free things to do for money.


Unread postPosted: Sun, 29 July 2012, 9:11 pm
by Lena51
I'd rather do the free things for money and not having to pay $25 to get into there program. What is anyway? Are you sure it's legal, or just a bunch of PooP? It does sound a bit like poop if you ask me, so I will do the drive by on this one. However, there are lots of ideas here on this forum for everyone and I will take some of them and go for it.


Unread postPosted: Sun, 29 July 2012, 10:09 pm
by genieswish
yup - end verdict steaming pile of poop LOL


Unread postPosted: Mon, 30 July 2012, 12:28 am
by trident252
I'm always wary of the "pay to make money" type programs. The only one making money are the ones getting the $25 up front. Everyone else is just losing money.