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Painless Traffic

Unread postPosted: Wed, 17 April 2013, 12:44 pm
by genieswish
I was going through my junk mail this morning and came across one from painless traffic that caught my eye, it's not often I will click on clickbank affiliate links - but this one offers a $1, 14 day trial, and it really is painless!

Just about every IM forum I've ever visited is packed full of "how do i get traffic" threads, so if this one works firstly I shall eat my hat and then shout it from the rooftops hahah

So all you do is join Painless Traffic, hand over your dollar, wait for an email with your passord - then go to the site, log in and enter 2 url's (and choose the most relevant categories) where you want your targetted traffic sent.

I entered blog munchies for the first one and an affiiate link for painless traffic as the second. You can add any url you want, just find something to promte on clickbank or put your own website url in.

If it doesn't work I don't even lose my dollar as it's money back at any time, no questions asked!

Will update in 14 days with the results of my Painless Traffic trial!

Re: Painless Traffic

Unread postPosted: Fri, 19 April 2013, 6:32 am
by gothtini
Can't wait to hear about this, wonder how it would work with forums..might work maybe...I'm still working on stuff for the forum slowly lol feels like it takes forever but its fun most the time.

Re: Painless Traffic

Unread postPosted: Fri, 19 April 2013, 7:35 pm
by genieswish
well day 1 i had 24 hops to the clickbank product i put in - no sales though, and 20 visits to the website I put in..

I will reserve full judgement until the trial is over :)

Re: Painless Traffic

Unread postPosted: Wed, 24 April 2013, 12:04 pm
by MOC
If that happens everyday then this sounds pretty good, really easy, with a decent amount of traffic for the price too would you say? How's the trial going genie?

Re: Painless Traffic

Unread postPosted: Wed, 24 April 2013, 1:45 pm
by genieswish
I took the website off because I want to change the landing page design, so I threw in one of the top selling cickbank products just to fill the gap - 27 hops, but no sale - I know the hops are coming from there because I don't have a link to it anywhere else, it's a fitness product.

I have an image of 2 geeks in an office just clicking the links though LOL, but maybe this internet marketing stuff is just making me super sceptical! :) will letcha know if/when a sale happens!

Re: Painless Traffic

Unread postPosted: Thu, 15 May 2014, 4:16 am
by SlimShady
Thanks i might try this.