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What is 301 Redirect?

Unread postPosted: Wed, 23 May 2018, 11:18 am
by sonyrobin
Can anybody tell me What is 301 Redirect??

Re: What is 301 Redirect?

Unread postPosted: Fri, 25 May 2018, 5:42 am
by Shilpa111
Hello.....When user multiple URL's having same content in our website.Those URL'S are effected by google for avoiding those URL we can remove duplicate content (or)we can remove those URL's but using 301 redirection no need to remove those URL and content we can redirected to same URL will improving to google as a same URL.

Re: What is 301 Redirect?

Unread postPosted: Fri, 25 May 2018, 6:40 am
by jasmeen123
301 redirect is an HTTP status code indicating URL been permanently redirected .it is also recommemded by google and bing for permanent redirection as it is shown in search engine results.

Re: What is 301 Redirect?

Unread postPosted: Fri, 29 June 2018, 12:55 pm
by sonyrobin
Thank you for all the information you provided!

Re: What is 301 Redirect?

Unread postPosted: Mon, 13 August 2018, 4:55 am
by RH-Calvin
301 redirect is the most efficient and Search Engine Friendly method for webpage redirection. It's not that hard to implement and it should preserve your search engine rankings for that particular page. If you have to change file names or move pages around, it's the safest option. The code "301" is interpreted as "moved permanently".

Re: What is 301 Redirect?

Unread postPosted: Sun, 9 September 2018, 4:26 am
by mahakhan
If you are changing the old permalink structure of your website, or changing any specific post link, then you will need to redirect the old url to new link with 301 redirect, it is a permanent redirect, and it is required to protect your seo efforts. If you will not do it, the link juice of old link will be lost. So it is a best practice to always use the 301 redirects.